Aerial image of a wetland river flowing into a natural lake

Protect and restore rivers for people and wildlife

A group swims at the base of a waterfall in a Vermont River

Make a Difference

On the heels of this summer's floods, it’s clear that our rivers – and our communities – need our help. Give today to protect and restore rivers for people and wildlife.

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Statewide map of all sites protected by Vermont River Conservancy

Find Your River

Since 1995, we’ve helped protect more than 100 special places – swimming holes, paddlers trails, and fishing access sites, and habitat for warblers and wood turtles. Discover the places we've worked to protect, and plan your next adventure.

Explore Sites
North Branch of the Winooski River in Vermont

Landowner Toolbox

Behind each of our conservation projects is a visionary landowner. Thinking about the future of your land can be overwhelming, but we can help you find a solution that’s right for you. Whether you’re a landowner, or whether you’re someone who sees a great opportunity in your community, start here to learn how you can make a difference.

Explore Our How-To Guide
Vermont river clean up crew