HPTA: Hopkinton Parent Teacher Association – HPTA's 28th Annual Auction
Auction Ends: Apr 1, 2011 12:01 AM EDT

Auction Stats


Top Referrers

  1. Patricia Sinacole20
  2. Jean Bertschmann11
  3. Amy Mick10
  4. Michelle Weilding7
  5. Michelle Carbonneau6
Refer Your Friends

Top Bidders

  1. 9989$1,811
  2. yankees512$1,277
  3. mcbernardo1$860
  4. amorant$825
  5. Thatssojazzy$685

Auction Closed! Thank you for your participation!

The HPTA's Online Auction is now closed. Thank you all for taking the time to point, click and bid in order to support the HPTA and Hopkinton Public Schools. Thank you to everyone who:

  • placed a winning bid
  • generously donated an item for auction
  • invited family, friends and community to make their bid to support our schools
Item Pick-Up and Shipping Information
Hopkinton Area Residents
Hopkinton residents should make every attempt to pick up their items on Saturday, April 2 at Hopkinton High School from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. where we will be having the Children's Gallery event. Please join us for the Games 2U Van, free ice cream, face painting and the always popular basket raffles!
Winners Bidders Outside of the Local Area
Winning bidders outside of the local area are responsible for shipping charges. Gift certificates will be shipped by regular mail at no charge. Larger items will be shipped by First Class Mail at the winning bidder's expense. Please contact Cindy Bernardo silentauction@hptaonline.com or 508-497-9458 with any questions about shipping or delivery.

The Auction May Be Gone, But Our Mission Goes On!

Online Auction Questions?
Shelly Carbonneau

The HPTA Mission
To support the enrichment and betterment of the Hopkinton Public Schools through direct volunteers and donations and by providing a forum of communication between parents, teachers, administrators and community.

You can read all about the programs funded by the HPTA in our newsletter The Runner http://hptaonline.blogspot.com/.

We would like to thank our Bright Level Sponsors!

We would like to thank our sponsors....

Genius Level Sponsors

Brilliant Level Sponsors