Casting for Recovery – Casting for Recovery Holiday Auction
Auction Ends: Dec 31, 2009 12:00 AM EST

Our Auction Is Here! Take a look and place your bids today!

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The Casting for Recovery Holiday Auction is now open.  The auction will run from November 27, 2009 to December 31, 2009, with proceeds supporting Casting for Recovery's programs for women in recovery from breast cancer.

Auction items range from exotic vacation getaways to donated items guaranteed to delight and surprise.  So, tell your friends, family, community. Let the bidding begin!

Make Your Bid to Support Casting for Recovery

Now is your chance to not only get all the great items you want, but to do it knowing you are helping support our mission as we begin preparations for the new year of service.

Casting for Recovery supports women recovering from breast cancer through a program that combines fly-fishing, counseling, and medical information to build a focus on wellness instead of illness. In 2010, we'll be offering 45 retreats in 30 states, serving women at any age and any stage of treatment and recovery from breast cancer.

We are supremely grateful for the generosity of many individuals, organizations, and companies who help in our mission, including our premier national supporter, The Hartford.

Featured in Our Auction...

Another wonderful opportunity to bid on a spectacular  Alaskan Wilderness Adventure at the Kodiak Raspberry Island Lodge is here!  This past fall a group of successful bidders on this trip featured in the last CFR auction traveled to the Kodiak Raspberry Island Lodge and one winner filed the following report:

"I have been fishing all of my life but after my cancer surgery, the Casting For Recovery weekend revitalized my interest in fly-fishing. 

The on-line auction provided me and my husband an opportunity to go together on a once-in-a-lifetime trip.  The week at the Raspberry Island Lodge was fabulous - good fishing and sightseeing, a wonderful facility and food and delightful people.  We could never have put this trip together without Casting For Recovery.  I am certain whomever buys these next trips offered will have as exciting an adventure as we did." - Joan B.

Coming Soon

CFR friends on the water in Alaska...

Coming Soon

In the plane to the Lodge...

Coming Soon

At the Boat

Get ready to point, click and bid!

One of the best things about participating is what you get when you give. All you have to do is point, click and bid!

We would like to thank our premiere national supporter, The Hartford, and some of the other companies who help make it happen...