Help us create better futures for Marin County Families!
Auction Ends: Dec 20, 2018 07:00 PM PST

Auction Stats


Top Bidders

  1. mlddc8424$1,312
  2. lha30ffb5$600
  3. mangoberry$535
  4. rdd2a0ed9$320
  5. d408b158$300
  6. mrbranford$230
  7. bfda09f4b$174
  8. linadr$122
  9. ch767ae89$118
  10. sh837d73c$113
Main Article Image

Family & Children's Law Center is hosting an online auction fundraiser!

FACLC is the only agency in Marin County that practices family law and represents its clients in court.
In our thirty three year history in Marin we have helped thousands of low-income families and children navigate the legal system. Our seasoned, full time attorneys provide high-quality, low-cost legal services in matters ranging from divorce and domestic violence to child custody and support. Our 93% satisfaction rate is a testament to the commitment we have to serving the families of the county.

We understand how traumatic a family crisis can be and our approach is designed to make the process simple and clear to give our clients the peace of mind they need. 

Live Event Details

Tue Jan 1, 2019
12:01 AM - 12:01 AM PST
Add to My Calendar

We've taken our event online! There will be no gala this year!

Not finding any items that tickle your fancy? Donate Now!

Make an annual, monthly or one-time donation through our website

We use our money efficiently, providing effective legal help at a modest cost. These are some examples of what your contribution buys.

    - $500 allows a victim of domestic violence to obtain a domestic violence restraining order and peace of mind.

    - $1,000 provides a single parent with a child custody and support order for stability and security.