Auction Ends: Sep 29, 2021 10:00 PM EDT

Auction Stats


Top Bidders

  1. rb7785d16$2,805
  2. jb1f532f8$2,075
  3. smnaz$1,570
  4. kjb1e2d53$1,180
  5. ape31ff0a$840
  6. Dragoncloud$583
  7. mref80b5a$565
  8. VTbidding$565
  9. nh50ae579$495
  10. ajc5a6c2b$481

WMI's 2021 Auction is Open!

The Wells Mountain Initiative Auction 2021 is now open. The auction will run from Thursday, September 16, 2021 to Wednesday, September 29, 2021 with all proceeds going to support Wells Mountain Initiative (WMI).

This year's auction features items from some very special small and independent businesses from Vermont and beyond as well as regional vacation getaways and unique experiences and national gift cards. Donated items are guaranteed to delight and surprise. So, tell your friends, family, community. Let the bidding begin!


Make Your Bid to Support Wells Mountain Initiative!

WMI supports undergraduate students obtaining degrees in community-oriented fields, and encourages them to be the agents of change in their own communities, nations and the world. We go beyond providing financial support, ensuring our student scholars have all the tools needed to reach their dreams.

WMI supports students pursuing degrees that will best help their own communities, including medicine & health services, community development, law, education, social sciences and engineering. The WMI Scholars Program currently supports 322 student scholars and 237 graduate scholars from 51 countries.

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We fund WMI Scholars' undergraduate education, offer skill-building opportunities and provide on-going career counseling to ensure that young people successfully complete their studies. Through intensive community service projects, WMI Scholars garner hands-on leadership development alongside their academic career. We also provide flexible tuition support that enables first-generation college students more chances to complete their studies and succeed.  

Collective Action

We bring WMI Scholars together through multi-day conferences and national fellowships so that they can share strategies, implement projects and scale their impact. Annually, we host a Global Training Academy, and every three years, we host the Dream Big Conference. We provide hands-on training and technical assistance as WMI Scholars implement their social entrepreneurship projects, engage in cross-learning and gain inspiration from their peers in other nations and regions. 

Community Development Grants

We provide grants, technical assistance and strategic networking opportunities to help people design and launch their social entrepreneurship efforts, including locally-led businesses and nonprofits. We bring them together with national experts and other WMI Scholars to help build and grow ideas and increase their impact. 

The WMI Model

Recognizing that poverty is the result of global structural inequity, our strategy is to empower a generation of leaders who have the tools, resources and peer support to lead change to address the root causes of problems. 

  • Local Leadership
    • Our work is based on the conviction that local leaders are the best positioned to lead change in their own communities. WMI scholars lead in the face of daunting challenges and are implementing fresh and creative solutions to the world's most pressing problems. As a US-based organization, we know that our role is to help people lead, rather than implementing top-down solutions. Many WMI Scholars run nonprofits or businesses that hire locally, generate wealth and foster solutions
  • Global Peer-to-Peer Collaboration
    • Often the most talented leaders operate in isolation, with few resources, tools and networks to ensure that their change efforts are sustainable. While education is a life-line out of poverty, sustainable social change requires committed, resourced individuals working collectively together over time. Through seed funding to support initiatives and regular strategy convenings, we help sustain and amplify locally-led change. 
  • Building Sectors
    • We focus on building local leadership in high-need sectors such as health, education and the environment, so that WMI Scholars can bring badly needed resources to under-served regions and communities. For instance, many WMI Scholars start the first health clinic or school in their village. Gender empowerment is an approach that cuts across all of the sectors; we support the leadership of women and girls and prioritize gender empowerment projects.