Featured Article

What Language Do You Pray In?

In navigating my way between North American indigeneity and Jewish exile, I do a kind of personal spiritual simul—a simultaneous translation.

Rockower Award Winner

She’s My Daughter! She’s Supposed to Do This!

Rockower Award Winner


Rockower Award Winner

My 47th Kill

The Latest

Lilith Online

Elegy for a Mentor

I took the job, marveling that my mentor could pay someone to research his whims, too obtuse to appreciate that he was buying me writing time on his own dime.

Lilith Online

The Cutting Room: How Joan Didion is Helping Me Process This War

When war broke out in Israel and Gaza, I thought of Joan Didion. Why? Because she taught me how to think through a crisis.

Lilith Online

Bess Kalb Talks #Boymoms, Humor and Jewish Books

A long, hilarious and very Jewish chat with the comedian and writer.

Lilith Online

A Century-Old Feminist Sephardi Novel Is Back–and It’s Awesome.

Called the first feminist Sephardi novel, Mazaltob tells the story of a young woman raised in the Judería or Jewish quarter of Tetouan, Morocco.

Lilith Online


Miriam sets her alarm at 8.30 a.m. every morning even though she is dying. 

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The Magazine

Current Issue

Spring 2024

Disability and Judaism in the spotlight, toxic workplaces, controversial books...

image of cover of magazine for Winter 2024 Winter 2024
image of cover of magazine for Fall 2023 Fall 2023
image of cover of magazine for Summer 2023 Summer 2023
image of cover of magazine for Spring 2023 Spring 2023


A HUGE Mazel Tov to all of Lilith's 2024 Rockower Award Winners, honoring excellence in Jewish media from the  We will be sharing these extraordinary pieces all week. 

Please join us in celebrating Rockower award winners Kyla Kupferstein Torres, Michele Kriegman, Wendy Rhein, Beverly Pincus, Pessy Krausz, Sarah Tuttle, Marcella White Campbell, Wicca Davidson, Susie Mann, Miriam Stern and Julia Silverberg Németh.

A HUGE Mazel Tov to all of Lilith`s 2024 Rockower Award Winners, honoring excellence in Jewish media from the We will be sharing these extraordinary pieces all week.

Please join us in celebrating Rockower award winners Kyla Kupferstein Torres, Michele Kriegman, Wendy Rhein, Beverly Pincus, Pessy Krausz, Sarah Tuttle, Marcella White Campbell, Wicca Davidson, Susie Mann, Miriam Stern and Julia Silverberg Németh.

We mourn the passing of Yael Dayan, former Knesset member, whose writing and political work have been in Lilith's spotlight over the years. 

Read her interview with Susan Weidman Schneider in Lilith Fall 1990 Issue— link in bio.

We mourn the passing of Yael Dayan, former Knesset member, whose writing and political work have been in Lilith`s spotlight over the years.

Read her interview with Susan Weidman Schneider in Lilith Fall 1990 Issue— link in bio.

New, gorgeous fiction from @sara.lipp in our Spring 2024 issue:

"We just want peace, I say.

There will be no peace while our neighbors want us dead.

You don’t have to stoke it, my husband says.

The land of milk and honey, he snorts. What a balagan. Why do you think there are more of us living outside than inside? Who’s rushing home to a mess like this?

Where will you go?"

Linked in our bio. ❤️

New, gorgeous fiction from @sara.lipp in our Spring 2024 issue:

"We just want peace, I say.

There will be no peace while our neighbors want us dead.

You don’t have to stoke it, my husband says.

The land of milk and honey, he snorts. What a balagan. Why do you think there are more of us living outside than inside? Who’s rushing home to a mess like this?

Where will you go?"

Linked in our bio. ❤️

A new investigation by Hella Winston on behalf of Lilith: Toxic Jewish Nonprofit Spaces. A MUST read. 

"PICTURE THIS: a 25-year-old nonbinary Jewish feminist, let’s call them Sam, gets their first job at a Jewish non-profit. The organization has a lofty mission and a stated commitment to diversity and inclusion. Sam is thrilled to work somewhere that affirms Jewish values, and is filled with passion and ideas.

It feels like a dream job, even if the hours seem long and duties less than well-defined. A year later, Sam is gone, feeling a mix of frustration, anger and sadness, disillusioned by the workplace culture. Now, Sam is not only questioning whether to work in a Jewish space again, but feels reluctant to participate further in organized Jewish life.

Some may be tempted dismiss this case as an outlier, but Lilith has learned that it is far from uncommon, or even limited to workers at the start of their careers."

A new investigation by Hella Winston on behalf of Lilith: Toxic Jewish Nonprofit Spaces. A MUST read.

"PICTURE THIS: a 25-year-old nonbinary Jewish feminist, let’s call them Sam, gets their first job at a Jewish non-profit. The organization has a lofty mission and a stated commitment to diversity and inclusion. Sam is thrilled to work somewhere that affirms Jewish values, and is filled with passion and ideas.

It feels like a dream job, even if the hours seem long and duties less than well-defined. A year later, Sam is gone, feeling a mix of frustration, anger and sadness, disillusioned by the workplace culture. Now, Sam is not only questioning whether to work in a Jewish space again, but feels reluctant to participate further in organized Jewish life.

Some may be tempted dismiss this case as an outlier, but Lilith has learned that it is far from uncommon, or even limited to workers at the start of their careers."