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All the Rage

What the “Mom Rage” Concept Encompasses, and What it Can’t

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Fiction: The Houseguest

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Elegy for a Mentor

I took the job, marveling that my mentor could pay someone to research his whims, too obtuse to appreciate that he was buying me writing time on his own dime.

Lilith Online

The Cutting Room: How Joan Didion is Helping Me Process This War

When war broke out in Israel and Gaza, I thought of Joan Didion. Why? Because she taught me how to think through a crisis.

Lilith Online

Bess Kalb Talks #Boymoms, Humor and Jewish Books

A long, hilarious and very Jewish chat with the comedian and writer.

Lilith Online

A Century-Old Feminist Sephardi Novel Is Back–and It’s Awesome.

Called the first feminist Sephardi novel, Mazaltob tells the story of a young woman raised in the Judería or Jewish quarter of Tetouan, Morocco.

Lilith Online


Miriam sets her alarm at 8.30 a.m. every morning even though she is dying. 

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Spring 2024

Disability and Judaism in the spotlight, toxic workplaces, controversial books...

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image of cover of magazine for Spring 2023 Spring 2023


A moment of levity from Lilith HQ: This month at the Academy of American Poets Gala where celebrities were invited read favorite poems, the one and only Meryl Streep gave a resounding performance of Lilith poetry editor Alicia Ostriker's poem, "Dark Matter and Dark Energy" 🎤 

Who would you want to present your work aloud? 

Photo of Alicia Ostriker from blueflowerarts.com / Photo of Meryl Streep from Wikimedia

A moment of levity from Lilith HQ: This month at the Academy of American Poets Gala where celebrities were invited read favorite poems, the one and only Meryl Streep gave a resounding performance of Lilith poetry editor Alicia Ostriker`s poem, "Dark Matter and Dark Energy" 🎤

Who would you want to present your work aloud?

Photo of Alicia Ostriker from blueflowerarts.com / Photo of Meryl Streep from Wikimedia

"Peace is the blithe distraction" by Lynn Levin, first published by Lilith in 2008 

Peace is the dream you sleep for.
Peace is a lily shared by two people with knives.
Peace is prettier, but war has more to say.

Peace may not be possible with everybody.
Peace is the death of history.
Peace is what the war dead don’t get to enjoy. 

Peace is what happens when you ask a plain girl to dance
and find out she’s not so bad after all.

Peace makes you forget that other people are
planning your destruction.

Peace is the hope that those who oppose you
will also listen to you.

Peace is passing up the dessert tray of revenge
and hoping your enemy will do the same.

Peace lets you appreciate many small annoyances
because you know they are not war.

Peace is never complete, though one dreams of
the fullness thereof.

"Peace is the blithe distraction" by Lynn Levin, first published by Lilith in 2008

Peace is the dream you sleep for.
Peace is a lily shared by two people with knives.
Peace is prettier, but war has more to say.

Peace may not be possible with everybody.
Peace is the death of history.
Peace is what the war dead don’t get to enjoy.

Peace is what happens when you ask a plain girl to dance
and find out she’s not so bad after all.

Peace makes you forget that other people are
planning your destruction.

Peace is the hope that those who oppose you
will also listen to you.

Peace is passing up the dessert tray of revenge
and hoping your enemy will do the same.

Peace lets you appreciate many small annoyances
because you know they are not war.

Peace is never complete, though one dreams of
the fullness thereof.

Everyone needs some Lilith in their life. Subscribe now at link in bio.

Everyone needs some Lilith in their life. Subscribe now at link in bio. ...

There are no women in leadership positions at the negotiating table between Israelis, Palestinians, or any of the other involved nations. How would things look different if there were? Share in the comments.

There are no women in leadership positions at the negotiating table between Israelis, Palestinians, or any of the other involved nations. How would things look different if there were? Share in the comments. ...

When we witness videos and images of unrelenting violence against Palestinians and the torment of the hostages still held prisoner in Gaza, this core Jewish and feminist value of the sanctity of every human life can slip from our consciousness, replaced by grief, anger, feelings of helplessness.

May our despair and horror help us remember the importance of life. Without life, all the political posturing in the world is worth nothing.

When we witness videos and images of unrelenting violence against Palestinians and the torment of the hostages still held prisoner in Gaza, this core Jewish and feminist value of the sanctity of every human life can slip from our consciousness, replaced by grief, anger, feelings of helplessness.

May our despair and horror help us remember the importance of life. Without life, all the political posturing in the world is worth nothing.