
It’s time

Time to get back to some of the things I love.  Time not to get sucked into admiring the creativity of others at the expense of my own.  Time to let go of what isn’t and have fun with what is.  Time to bloom.

In other words, time to bloody well post something on my poor long-neglected blog.

I am planning to teach a parent-child knitting class in the coming weeks.  Not mother-daughter, parent-child.  I would love for you to bring your son, and I would love for any dads who are interested to come too.  Age limit for the kids is five and up – I find that although they can certainly learn before five, that’s the age where they really have the patience to sit down to more than a few stitches at a time.  I am looking at a couple of dates, so let me know if you’re interested and I’ll make a mailing list for updates.

A Bit of Magic

Little Owl and I have less time together than we once did, and I no longer have the bit of time she used to spend at playschool to accomplish those boring things that grown-ups have to do.  So I have been crafting many little magical moments in our time together.  It’s not so hard to do.  She is my wise and wild child, and magic is everywhere if your heart and eyes are open.

This year, we went into a nearby woods to gather cedar boughs for a Solstice wreath. We spent time walking with the trees and visited a labyrinth, we even found a ‘possum jawbone which now has a place of honor on our nature tray (which remains completely out of hand). With nothing but those boughs and a bit of twine, we crafted a beautiful wreath that graced our doorway for the last few weeks. Over the last few days, we’ve both noticed that it’s lighter a bit later. Those tiny shifts have added up and now the Solstice season feels over to us. So we brought it down and burned it in our firepit, enjoying the scent of the dried cedar and sending our thanks up with the smoke.

We love having tea parties – usually Earl Grey for me and “Owl Tea” or maybe chamomile-lavender tea for Little Owl.  Grandma (my mama) gave me this tea set for Christmas and I love it so much.  And this time, at Little Owl’s request, we lit some lotus incense.  “I bless for you peace.  I bless for you happiness and heart and I love you,” she said, cupping her hand over the incense and holding it to my forehead.  Best tea party ever.


So much magic.



Little Owl’s Mittens

“Pattern” – my own. She loves them. I wish I’d done them a bit differently, but, as I said, she loves them. And as a four year old from Texas, does not yet have sufficiently established ideas about mittens to notice that the thumbs could be a bit better.

Me Again

It has been so hard to post.  I have mentioned that there have been big changes around here a few times, and I don’t know why it matters on my knitting blog, but not talking about it has for some reason kept me from posting anything.  So.  The big change is that, much to my dismay, I have gone from being a stay-at-home wife and mother to a single working mom.  I have been so lucky in my job – working as a teaching guide at a farm school, with Little Owl right there at the school with me.  But obviously it’s been a huge change.  There.  That’s out of the way.  Now, some knits.

One of Little Owl’s new hats – this shape reminds me of a pakol, which amuses me endlessly.

Little Owl’s Christmas penguin.

This is Tiger, for my niece, Tiger Lily. (That’s her nickname because Little Owl taught her to growl and it is a big part of her repertoire.) I used this adorable pattern by Louisa Harding.  The only change I made was to screw up the ears.

Here’s me modelling Little Owl’s crazy candy can hat.  She loves this yarn.  She has asked that I also make an elephant with it.  Naturally.

And here we have a picture of a sleeping Little Owl modelling a mitten.  I made up the pattern even though I’d never knit mittens before.  I don’t know quite what that says about me but suspect it indicates a pretty high level of cussedness.  Anyway, I wanted to make sure it fit.  It did.  (I don’t know why I didn’t take pictures of trying it on her with all the DPNs still in, before it was finished.)

And here we have a tiny bunny.  Little Owl always wants to give her friends knit toys for their birthdays.  We poked around on Ravelry for one sweet friend, and finally Little Owl settled on a bunny.  A really tiny bunny.  With a blanket.  A purple one.  And a blue blanket.  I wound up not using a pattern, of course, but it was a hit.


I knit a mountain of stuff for holiday presents, but never got around to taking pictures.  Oh well.  After all, there are only so many pictures of hats and scarves that actually need to be posted.

Little Owl’s Art

I have been freaking out a little bit about Little Owl’s art lately. I am so in love with her emerging style.  Here we have an elephant and a kitty cat.  There’s tons more but I know better than to start posting everything.  That way madness lies.

So.  After encouragement, enabling, and general harrassment from several friends, I opened my Etsy store.  Right now I am using it primarily as a means of complicating said friends’ lives by forcing them to purchase commissions through it.  But still.  Fun!  We’ll see.  If nothing else, I kind of need to get rid of some stuff.  Knitting is basically my only coping mechanism, and although my family is sizeable, we do live in Texas after all.  There is only so much knitwear we need.

Look!  November tomatoes and delightfully delightful fingerless gloves!  Who doesn’t want that!  If you buy my fingerless gloves, your tomato vines will keep producing until the New Year!


Here’s the link!  Sorry for all the exclamation points.

Ms. Knit-It-All’s Etsy Store of Excessive Yarn


Our autumn nature shrine is starting to get a bit out of hand.

I think Little Owl may share my love of this season.

Today Little Owl and I celebrated by making an altar together. My Grandma and Pa’s favorite candies, sent to Little Owl as part of a Halloween care package by my mama, and photos of the two of them joined pumpkins, candles, and beflowered calaveras.

I wanted to make the altar without the need to purchase anything – I often find it frustrating how consumption-driven children’s crafts are, so this was all about upcycling. Dried flowers from Little Owl’s birthday party and a cut up Shiner Cheer six-pack carton made for some pretty great materials.

We had a wonderful time talking about days long past, remembering stories of family who left this life before Little Owl would remember them or before she was even born. What a beautiful day this is.

Apologizes for the quality of the pics – my current photo editing capabilities are nil, to which I say screw it, I’m posting anyway.

Happy Halloween!

I love Halloween and Dia de los Muertos.  I love the pumpkins, I love the warm spicy biting scent of marigolds.  I love setting out pieces of my Pa and Grandma’s favorite candies.  I love the bats, I love the owls, I love the spiders.  I love the ghosts, I love the witches, no surprises there.  Did I mention that I love it?

I love that I can feel winter in the night air, in the little shifts happening around me, but that the impossible colors of summer are still with us. This is my time of renewal, my setting out, my beginnings. With relief from the heat suddenly comes my new year. Happy Samhain!

May your day be full of the wonder of the new year.

Ye olde number generator has picked Melanie for the armwarmer giveaway.  The fact that I happen to think she’s awesome is irrelevant because I think everyone who commented is awesome.  Congrats, Melanie!  Shoot me an email and we’ll work out getting them to you.


I just happen to be taking commissions, so if you’re overcome with grief at not winning just let me know and we’ll see what we can do to assuage your pain.