Here to Stay: Celebrating Sisters’ Legacy and Future Impact 

Today marks the beginning of our Here to Stay fundraising campaign.

For decades, Sisters of the Road has been a staple in the community — a steady and reliable presence for people seeking a welcoming space to take refuge and nourish their bodies and spirits.

Supreme Court to Hear Oregon Case Regarding Homeless Rights to Rest 

The City of Grants Pass v. Johnson, Gloria, et. al will weigh in on the constitutionality of both the Blake v. City of Grants Pass and Martin v. Boise decisions. The stakes are high.

Sisters Has A New Home

Sisters of the Road is officially the new owner of the House of Louie in Old Town Chinatown!

For the next two years, we will renovate and design our new home to meet our unique needs and wants.

Our Vision

Sisters of the Road is a social justice organization that uplifts the dignity and autonomy of people experiencing poverty through low/no-cost meals, education and training, a barter work program, advocacy, and a welcoming community space for all.

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