Quiet your mind. Open your heart. See your life in a new way.

On the land, online, or on-demand, Spirit Rock supports you at every stage of your path to grow a vibrant, nourishing spiritual life. Join us to practice Insight Meditation, Dharma teachings, and mindfulness in a diverse, inclusive community dedicated to the liberation of all beings.

Through practice, we can learn to make our own hearts a place of peace and integrity. With a quiet mind and an open heart we can sense the reality of interdependence. Inner and outer are not separate. Once we see this clearly, we can extend the same principles of love and mindfulness to every area.

Jack Kornfield, Spirit Rock Founder

Radiate Lovingkindness This Mettā May

Support Spirit Rock’s transformative programs with a gift this Mettā May.

Practice Guides

Dive into the teachings of the Buddha and get to know Spirit Rock with our new Practice Guides, with free talks and meditations from Spirit Rock teachers to help you start, restart, sustain, and deepen your practice.

New to Spirit Rock?

If you’re new to Spirit Rock, or returning after some time, start here to learn about our practice, tradition, and community, including selected talks from some of our most beloved teachers.

New to Spirit Rock?

What is Insight Meditation?

Develop a new practice of meditation and mindfulness, or refresh yourself on the basics. This guide lays out the fundamental teachings of the Buddha, with tools and techniques to cultivate compassion, learn meditation, and strengthen mindfulness.

Dive In
What is Insight Meditation?

Deepening on the Path

Integrate wisdom and lovingkindness into all aspects of your life. As your practice unfolds, you’ll find here a rich foundation for engaged exploration and integration of the Dharma. Let our experienced teachers guide you further down the path to inner freedom and personal healing.

Go Deep
Deepening on the Path

Retreat On-Land

June 7 - June 14, 2024 Friday - Friday | 7 nights

Insight, Awareness, and the Nine Bodies of Consciousness

This retreat offers a new style of Insight Meditation that employs the “Nine Bodies of Consciousness” map. The focus of this practice is on developing mindfulness of the felt sense of embodied experience, and directly experiencing the various capacities of consciousness, including intuitive awareness, which fosters the natural arising of insight. This distinct teaching style will be unfamiliar to first-time “Nine Bodies Insight” practitioners, and potential participants are strongly encouraged to listen to guided meditations beforehand.

Dana DePalma

Dana DePalma

Phillip Moffitt

Phillip Moffitt

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Alex Haley

Alex Haley

Ying Chen

Ying Chen

Retreat On-Land

June 22 - June 27, 2024 Saturday - Thursday | 5 nights

Mindfulness for Everyone

8 CE Credits. Mindfulness offers us tools to develop our capacity to pay attention, regulate emotions, and cultivate states of lovingkindness, compassion, and even-mindedness. Mindfulness can be practiced in a variety of ways—from focused attention to wide open, spacious, natural awareness. Over time, one can access states of profound well-being in both silent meditation and everyday life. Rooted in the Buddhist practice of mindfulness, this retreat focuses on practical applications of mindfulness and is open to people of all experience levels and backgrounds.

Diana Winston

Diana Winston

Carol Cano

Carol Cano

Alex Haley

Alex Haley

Gullu Singh

Gullu Singh

Vadan Tereza Ritter

Vadan Tereza Ritter

Retreat On-Land

Sunday, June 23 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Women's Dharma Day: Integrating Consciousness into Relationships, Communication, and Action

Open to all self-identified Women. The Buddha was clear that living wisely and not causing harm are the bedrocks of liberating the heart and mind from suffering. In parallel with cultivating a formal meditation practice, we must spend equal time cultivating ahimsa (non-harming) in our speech and actions. Not only does this support our own awakening process, but it ensures that our practice benefits all beings. This daylong retreat is for self-identified women who are interested in integrating more consciousness into relationships, communication, and action.

Kate Munding

Kate Munding

Retreat On-Land

June 28 - July 4, 2024 Friday - Thursday | 6 nights

Finding Refuge in Belonging: Annual BIPOC Retreat

Open to all self-identified BIPOC. Throughout this BIPOC retreat, we will gain insight into the 10 Paramis—the perfections or attainments of heart and mind—which will guide us as a map for the recovery and reclamation of a culture of belonging and wisdom. These are qualities for navigating life, not just guidelines for meditation, and they are said to be what the Buddha was cultivating in earlier lifetimes as he slowly developed into one who could awaken fully and show others the way to freedom.

Noliwe Alexander

Noliwe Alexander

Leslie Booker

Leslie Booker

Gullu Singh

Gullu Singh

Margarita Loinaz

Margarita Loinaz

Jonathan Relucio

Jonathan Relucio

Ramona  Lisa Ortiz-Smith

Ramona Lisa Ortiz-Smith

Retreat On-Land

July 29 - August 4, 2024 Monday - Sunday | 6 nights

The Spirit of Insight, Dharma & Awakening

The essence of Buddhist practice is embodying the Dharma experientially. In this retreat we will use mindfulness meditation to study our experiential reality within all our activities, including meditation, movement, eating, resting, and listening. When we are present and investigate our experiential reality moment by moment, insight arises, and the Dharma reveals itself within our body, heart, and mind. As the living, embodied truth unfolds, we awaken to the Buddha within and discover the depth and breadth of our own human potential.

John Martin

John Martin

Anushka Fernandopulle

Anushka Fernandopulle

Eugene Cash

Eugene Cash

Howard Cohn

Howard Cohn

Victoria Cary

Victoria Cary

Drop-in Groups

Explore weekly ongoing meditation groups and programs for beginning to experienced practitioners, including affinity groups for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, women, and those in recovery. All drop-in groups are donation-based (by dāna), and meet online, with select Monday Night gatherings taking place on the Spirit Rock land.

Monday Night Meditation & Talk

Mondays | 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm

For over 35 years, the Monday Night sitting group at Spirit Rock has been a welcoming refuge to gather, hear the teachings of the Buddha, and practice Insight Meditation together as a community. The program includes a 30-40 min guided meditation, a short break, and a Dharma talk.

Jun 03: Sean Oakes

Wednesday Morning Meditation & Talk

Wednesdays | 10 am - 12 pm

Our Wednesday Morning Meditation & Talk is led by Sylvia Boorstein, Donald Rothberg, Heidi Bourne, or other guest teachers. This group welcomes beginners and experienced practitioners to explore the Dharma.


Rainbow Saṅgha

Wednesdays | 6 pm – 7:30 pm

Our Rainbow Saṅgha is a weekly gathering of self-identified practitioners within marginalized gender and sexuality groups such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, two-spirit, and gender non-conforming.

Jun 05: JD Doyle

Thursday Morning Women’s Group

Thursdays | 10 am - 12 pm

This drop-in group offers self-identified women a place to come together in community to share our wisdom and strengthen our sense of belonging in the world. Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome.

Jun 06: Grace Fisher

BIPOC Voices: Weekly Sunday Saṅgha

Sundays | 9:00am - 10:30 am

The Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Saṅgha is a weekly gathering of self-identified BIPOC practitioners that provides a safe place to meditate and explore the Dharma in light of our experiences. Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome.

Jun 09: Thomas Davis

Dharma and Recovery Group

2nd Friday per Month | 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm

Our Dharma & Recovery group explores the intersection of recovery with Buddhist teachings and practices. We welcome all people who identify with any of the full range of addictions, from substances to behaviors, as well as habitual thought and emotional patterns. Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome.

Jun 14: Kevin Griffin

Dharma Training Programs

Our Dharma Training Programs offer in-depth study of the teachings and practices of the Buddha and the Insight Meditation lineage, professional trainings, and continuing education, both online and on our campus.

Dharma Library

Supporting practitioners worldwide, our new online Dharma Library offers meditations, talks, audio, video, articles, courses, and more from our 30-year archive of teachings, as well as newly-recorded material designed specifically for self-paced study and practice.

Featured On-Demand Courses

Picks from the Library