Orthodontists in Peabody & Newburyport, MA

Dr. John Pavlo - D.M.D

Dr. John Pavlo is proud to be a native of the Peabody area. He is a graduate of Tufts University and works hard to ensure every patient receives the highest quality care.

Meet Doctor

What sets us Apart

We pride ourselves on providing exceptional orthodontic care, utilizing the latest in technology and treatment options.

Treatments we offer

At Pavlo Orthodontics, we work hard to provide long-lasting, beautiful smiles for patients of all ages. We offer several different teeth treatment in Peabody and Newburyport, so there is sure to be an option that can fit into your budget and your lifestyle.

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5 Star

“The office set-up and friendly staff make it a place that kids and adults look forward to going to!”

- Patricia D.

5 Star

“Our first visit was very positive experience. Kudos to Dr. Pavlo and his staff!”

- Peter K.

5 Star

“You set the standard for everyone else to meet–regular interactions, or situations that have required kindness and creativity to navigate, every member of your staff has been friendly and professional, and has gone above and beyond to meet our needs. Please keep up the inspiring work!”

- Kelsey A.

5 Star

“Thank you for getting rid of my goofy smile and giving me this amazing one. I will tell all my friends about you.”

- Jessi K.

5 Star

“The office environment is fantastic. You make having braces a great experience for the kids. The staff are so nice, understanding and patient. The contests and Pavlo Points are a such a great idea too.”

- Abigail H.

5 Star

“Your office is very kid friendly, the staff is well trained and extremely courteous, appointments have always been kept on schedule, the doctor is very informative and great with the kids. All over a great experience!”

- Owen C.

5 Star

“I love everyone there and everyone is so nice. We always are reminded with the phone calls and I love how when you get your braces on they call you personally. I love Pavlo Orthodontics!”

- Amelia L.

5 Star

“I can’t thank you all enough for putting a perfect smile on Jake! We thought that you perfected Madison”s teeth but to no surprise you did it again with Jake! We are so happy that we had the pleasure of having your team work on our kids. Their smiles warm out hearts! You and your staff have been AWESOME to say the least! Thank you a million times!!”

- Linda, Doc, Madison & Jake

5 Star

“As a mom who never had braces I felt unprepared to help Kaileigh.. well no need for mom, you guys have been fantastic. Kaieigh is calm and confident with her braces.”

- Kailiegh B.

5 Star

“Your offices are great, the team is fabulous, my braces are almost off, what could be better!”

- Nancy W.

Why do i need braces?

There is a reason why orthodontic treatment is a common step in the lives of many people, and it’s not just for cosmetic purposes.

When do I need to start?

The ideal time to begin orthodontic treatment is around the age of 7.

How does it work?

Orthodontic treatment works to correct crooked, crowded or misaligned teeth, as well as misaligned jaws.

How long does it take?

The amount of time spent in orthodontic treatment is different for every patient.

What options do I have?

There are more treatment options than ever before.

New patients

Cost of Treatment

At Pavlo Orthodontics, we believe orthodontic treatment should be available and as affordable as possible for everyone who needs it. Orthodontic treatment is for everyone and should be considered an investment in your future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Orthodontics is one of many dental health specialties available to help you overcome many problems. In our case, as specialists who chose orthodontics as their field of expertise, we focus on the proper alignment of our patients’ teeth and jaws. We seek to correct some imbalances and irregularities regarding their dental alignment and jaw positioning to ensure proper function and promote better oral health.

If orthodontics is the art of ensuring your teeth are aligned properly, then orthodontists are the artists. We are specialists who focus on jaw and teeth positioning. It requires careful analysis of each patient’s circumstances and patience. We develop treatment plans that can safely realign your smile and get the beautiful results you were expecting.

We focus on dental alignment, but we don’t just move teeth. Moving teeth is not even the hardest part of our work. Indeed, you can ask anyone who’s had trouble with prolonged pacifier use or tongue sucking, and they’ll tell you moving teeth is not hard. What we do is develop efficient and safe treatment plans that get you from your current status to the smile you dream about without risking your oral health.

One of the most common orthodontic conditions in our patients is dental crowding. Many parents wait too long to bring their children to an orthodontist for their first appointment, and by the time they come in, their permanent teeth are already erupting at the wrong angles. Without proper supervision, many children will suffer from this problem, especially when they have a family history of orthodontic problems.

As soon as possible. There is no age limit to orthodontics, and every parent should bring their kids to an appointment with an orthodontist by age 7, but whenever it comes to this specialized treatment, you need to understand that the faster you start it, the faster you’ll finish. Orthodontics takes time, and as we age, there’s an increased risk of developing additional complications, such as periodontal disease, that complicate treatment planning.

In reality, orthodontic care is now more affordable than ever. You can get in touch with our office, but you should know beforehand that the mass production of orthodontic appliance components has brought down production costs. Besides, advancements in materials science, design innovations, and even insurance coverage have made it so more families can access orthodontic treatment at a reasonable monthly price.

Scheduling your next appointment with our team at Pavlo orthodontics is not hard at all. We would highly suggest you give us a call at either our Peabody or Newburyport offices and find a time that’s convenient for you. You can also navigate our website and follow the appointment link and fill out the form.