Schedule Changes

There will be no morning Mass or Communion service in the chapel on Wednesday, June 5. There will also be no Confessions or evening Mass at St. Katharine Drexel on Wednesday, June 5. There will be no morning Mass or Adoration in the chapel on Saturday, June 22.

Memorial Garden Workday

Please mark your calendars for our first Memorial Garden Workdays this year at 5:30 P.M. on June 18, July 16, August 20, September 17, and October 15.. We meet at 5:30 P.M. We will conclude the evening with food, drinks, and fellowship. Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun while helping ensure the maintenance of our beautiful Memorial Garden.

Thank You, Mary Voges!

With a mixture of sadness and joy, we say goodbye to Mary Voges after 13 years of service as our parish Pastoral Associate. Mary has performed various duties in this role and served several OLMCC pastors through the years. We rejoice with Mary’s decision to pursue other interests and have more time to enjoy her family. She has been a wonderful office colleague and friend to Angelese and me. Mary, you will be missed!  - Fr. Mark

Prison Ministry Outreach

We are looking for men to join us in our prison ministry outreach at Walker State Prison in Rock Spring, Georgia. We have a few men already involved as mentors to specific men in the prison, but there is a need for more Catholic mentors. Can you make a commitment to visit one of the men at WSP twice each month? You may travel back and forth from the prison through carpool with our mentors and with other local men who serve as mentors.  If interested, you may contact Father Mark (706-841-1836) or Mr. Dick Crotteau ( 423-505-4602).

Hot Meals Ministry 

Hot Meals Ministry is always in need of more volunteers to help prepare “home-cooked” meals to area tent community residents every Monday. Pease consider signing up on HERE for a slot anytime from 1:00 P.M. – 3:30 P.M. on Mondays, or you can show up at Shuler Hall to see what it’s all about and assist as needed. Financial support is always appreciated. Please make checks payable to Our Lady of the Mount with “Hot Meals Ministry” on the memo line and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the office. Thank you for your generous support … Continue reading