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DEAR HELOISE: If you have company over and need to cool some beverages in a hurry, here is a quick way to do so, and it’s so easy:

DEAR ABBY: I have been married to a wonderful man for 17 years. Recently, I reconnected online with an old high school flame. We have been talking about my hometown, which is where he lives. So many things have changed! I moved away more than 30 years ago and have been missing it lately.

American Legion Post 27 in Londonderry’s June events

Some repairs on your home can wait. Others demand attention RIGHT NOW. While it’s never fun to think about how things can go wrong in your home, planning ahead and preparing is essential.

In the 1980 film version of “Popeye,” Robin Williams (as Popeye) asks Shelley Duvall (as Olive Oyl) “What kind name is Olive Oyl? It sounds like some kind of lubricant.”


While white walls allow for the greatest amount of flexibility, there is still the desire to add both color and interest to help make a room finished with color and texture. Beyond the traditional accent wall there are some other options that include wallpaper and even wall stickers.

DNA has linked accused Gilgo Beach serial killer Rex Heuermann to two more cold case murders on Long Island, Suffolk County prosecutors said Thursday.

Since its inception in 2002, the New Hampshire Union Leader's annual 40 Under Forty awards have honored hundreds of outstanding Granite Staters making a difference in their communities and professions.

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