
We stand in hope and solidarity with the Ukrainian people




York Hospital: A Community Resource

We are pleased to share a recent Portsmouth Herald and Seacoastonline column, focused on York Hospital’s role as a community resource, with our audiences.

York Hospital Cardiovascular Care of New Hampshire to Relocate as of June 17, 2024

We look forward to seeing patients in Portsmouth beginning June 17.

On View Now at York Hospital: Oil Paintings by Sarah Cassani

Come see the colorful “bouquet” of paintings on the walls in the Dining Room!

Congratulations to York Hospital’s 2024 Q1 DAISY Award For Extraordinary Nurses Recipient

Join us in celebrating our newest DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses honoree.

York Hospital: A Community Resource

We are pleased to share a recent Portsmouth Herald and Seacoastonline column, focused on York Hospital’s role as a community resource, with our audiences.


Click one of the locations below to schedule an appointment

Our Vision of Loving Kindness

We are committed to providing exceptional care to our patients and their families.
All our efforts must be thoughtful, kind and loving.

We are dedicated to creating and nurturing a fabric of compassionate relationships among physicians, care givers, patients and families to offer sensitive, understandable, high quality medical care experiences.

We recognize our responsibility to serve all in our community as they are the ultimate judge of how well we listen, respond and care.

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