Herbs that Calm Guide

NURTURE is officially open!

The ultimate healing plants course to

  • discover the healing power of plants
  • integrate them into your daily life with ease
  • align with the consciousness of nature.

Growing herbs for food, medicine, and joy is one of the simplest and profound ways to nourish ourselves, our communities and the planet. Once you take the step to create your space, the plants guide you the rest of the way.

What is NURTURE?


Booking for 2024:
Consultations & Coaching


Not sure where to start? Book a complimentary 20-minute call today for your next step to growing your healing herbal garden.

Book Now


5 Steps to Create Sanctuary

A short & sweet guidebook

for getting started

on your dream garden

Yes please!

~ Coaching and support to grow herbs for food medicine & joy ~


~ Practices that honor the earth, support the ecosystem ~


~ Guidance to learn directly from plants ~


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How to Create your Dream Garden

In this FREE class, learn the steps to creating an outdoor oasis with ease and joy wherever you are. From a patio garden to a healing meditative sanctuary, to a nourishing herbal garden, the time to create the plan is now!

Watch Now

Click here to view all upcoming classes & workshops.

"Lauren was incredibly encouraging from day one of helping me create my Soul Mate Manifestation garden.

She was integral to not only choosing the plants and appropriate functional garden design, but equally or more importantly realizing my vision with me."

Nice to meet you – glad you're here!

I'm Lauren, an herbalist, garden consultant, designer, & educator. I help people who love plants grow herbs for food, medicine and joy. My goal is to connect people and plants so that both may thrive!

More about me

Join the Heartspace community garden!

Subscribe to get updates about classes, workshops, live events, and more garden magic!

Join the Heartspace community garden!

Subscribe to get updates about classes, workshops, live events, and more garden magic!