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Q: My doctor says that I have to lower my triglycerides by changing my lifestyle choices — but what are triglycerides exactly and how do I lower them?


After breaking numerous records in the western United States on Thursday, the season’s first major heat wave continued Friday, scorching cities from Texas to California. The hazardous heat should gradually ease this weekend but will persist in portions of Texas and Oklahoma.


Supreme Court justices reported receiving gifts including a stay in a Bali hotel and tickets to a Beyoncé concert, as well as nearly $1.6 million in book advances and royalties in annual financial disclosure forms for 2023 released on Friday.


Jose Rodriguez-Garcia, 26, a Mexican national who crossed into New Hampshire from Canada, was arrested and charged with one count of transporting child sexual abuse material and one count of possessing the child pornography material, according to the U.S. Attorney for New Hampshire.


WILMINGTON, Del. — Hunter Biden’s daughter testified in her father’s defense on Friday that he seemed to respond well to drug treatment in the weeks before he bought a gun that prosecutors say he obtained illegally by failing to disclose his addiction.


With a renewed cease-fire push in the eight-month-old Gaza war stalled, Israel bombarded central and southern areas again on Friday, killing at least 28 Palestinians, and tank forces advanced to the western edges of Rafah.


The economy created far more jobs than expected in May and annual wage growth reaccelerated, underscoring the resilience of the labor market and reducing the likelihood the Federal Reserve will be able to start rate cuts in September.

Since its inception in 2002, the New Hampshire Union Leader's annual 40 Under Forty awards have honored hundreds of outstanding Granite Staters making a difference in their communities and professions.

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