Classical Christian Academy – CCA Auction - Fall 2019
Auction Ends: Dec 2, 2019 09:00 PM EST

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Top Bidders

  1. 1031181012W$616
  2. horumheb$385
  3. tgea99c3a$380
  4. vgfe40ab0$330
  5. Purple17$270
  6. rf70defbe$242
  7. mc8ccf89c$222
  8. nkeane$210
  9. cd7e11765$161
  10. jb0f87148$156

Bidding is Now Open!

Main Article Image

Classical Christian Academy's 10th Annual Auction is now open for bidding! We offer our thanks to the large number of donors who gave generously - and many who have supported CCA several years in a row.


When you bid, you not only support the educational opportunities CCA offers, but you have the chance to win some great items at the same time!

CCA's goal is to raise $10,000 in this auction. All proceeds go to Classical Christian Academy's General Fund so we can keep tuition affordable for as many families as possible. Every bid you make helps us reach our goal. 

Bid today! The auction ends Monday, December 2, 2019.


Become a Sponsor

If you or your organization would like to become a sponsor please complete our simple form and we will contact you.

We would like to thank our sponsors....



