SCOPE (Summer Camp Opportunities Promote Education) – SCOPE
Auction Ends: Aug 29, 2016 09:00 AM EDT

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  1. jcturner$53
  2. tsb9d8476$24
  3. lhutzel79$18
  4. helen243$10

Help Transform a Child’s Life with Summer Camp!

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SCOPE (Summer Camp Opportunities Promote Education) is a national nonprofit organization that helps fund camp scholarships ("camperships") for children from low income families to attend overnight summer camp. 

The event proceeds give deserving children in the New York tri-state area, Midwest, Southeast, and Southwest the gift of camp! For many SCOPE campers, their camp experience is the first time they breathe in fresh air, live among nature, and have an opportunity to feel safe with other children and positive adult role models. 

YOUR efforts will help make each child’s dream of summer camp a reality.

Support SCOPE

Bid on these items to help provide deserving children around the US with the opportunity to experience summer camp!