The Las Lomitas Education Foundation – LLEF Events 2021-22
Auction Ends: Dec 31, 2021 10:00 PM PST

Auction Stats


Top Bidders

  1. tj7531220$50
  2. af789dff6$50
  3. ar16af8a4$25
  4. vt8a7bff6$25
  5. amf04a1e8$25
  6. mr19$10


We understand that due to the uncertainty surrounding the Coronavirus, many people may be uneasy with committing to anything for the near-term future - including vacations, summer camps, parties and other offerings in this auction. To help ease  your anxiety, the LLEF is committed to making a full refund available to anyone who is unable to use their auction winnings due to COVID-related restrictions.