Moab Youth Garden Project – Youth Garden Project 2023 Online Auction
Auction Ends: Mar 22, 2023 09:00 PM MDT

Auction Stats


Support garden-based education and Bid Now!

The Youth Garden Project Online Auction is now open!

From March 16th at 8:00am to March 22nd at 9:00pm (MST) you can bid on hundreds of local and regional items for practical use, adventures, treating yourself or another, and much more. Over 200 businesses have participated this year, and items range in value from $10 - $3600! Most bids start at half the item's value. 

Please take note that there are a wide range of items to bid on for people who live in Moab, those planning a visit, and items that can be mailed to bidders regardless of where you live. So, please spread the word, and thank you!

Remember, all proceeds benefit the Youth Garden Project, so bid now, bid often, and share the auction with your friends and family!

THANK YOU to all of our 2023 donors! 

Want to donate instead of bid?

That's great too! Click this link to make a secure donation to support growing food, kids, and community in Moab.   

Your support through the Online Auction or otherwise allow us to offer low cost and/or free educational programs and fresh produce to all members of our community. Thanks for your generosity!

The Youth Garden Project is a garden-based education nonprofit in Moab, UT, founded in 1996. Our mission is to cultivate healthy children, families, and community through educational programs and connecting people with food from seed to table. 

Learn more at