Girl Scouts of Central Maryland – SHARE-the-Journey Online Auction 2013
Auction Ends: Jul 28, 2013 11:59 PM EDT

Auction Stats


Top Referrers

  1. Jennifer Moumane2634
  2. Gloria Adkins127
  3. Lauren Geskey40
  4. Jennifer Gibbs-Keith38
  5. Samantha Kolbe34
Refer Your Friends

We are $500 away from our goal.  We need YOU!



Bid like there's no tomorrow, because...well...there isn't...

Main Article Image

We are less than $500 away from making our goalPlease help!  The SHARE-the-Journey Online Auction 2013 will run for today only, until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!  All proceeds remain local and will help to continue the legacy and the Mission of Girl Scouts of Central Marylandbuilding girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.

Items range from exotic vacation getaways valued at $3,000 to local restaurant gift certificates and theme park coupons with some opening bids as low as $5!  Every item is guaranteed to delight and to surprise.

Tell your friends, your family, and your community: our dedicated staff of 58 works to bring services to 27,000 girls, their families, and 11,000 volunteers annually.  Thank you for supporting her.  Thank you for supporting her leader.  And thank you for your generosity and for your philinthropic spirit.  We  SHARE  TOGETHERTHERE.  PLEASE, BID NOW!!

Make Your Bid to Support Girl Scouts of Central Maryland!

Now is your chance not only to get all the great items you want, but to do so knowing that you are helping support this 101 year old organization and its Mission.

Today, Girl Scouts of Central Maryland continues that legacy by ensuring that girls, egardless of ability, ethnicity, income or circumstance, have the opportunity to develop leadership skills that allow them to make a difference in their schools, communities and the world.

One of the most powerful results of living the Girl Scout Law is the ability to exercise and recognize true leadership. Being honest and fair, courageous and strong, using resources wisely, respecting yourself and others, and making the world a better place are values that our staff and volunteers teach, model, and reinforce.

Become a Sponsor

If you or your organization would like to become a sponsor please complete our simple form and we will contact you.

We would like to thank our sponsors....
