American Red Cross of Northern New Jersey –
Auction Ends: Apr 30, 2009 11:59 PM EDT

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Online Auction Open! Let The Bidding Begin!

Make a bid and make a difference in the community!

Want to save a life? It's as easy as bidding on auction items to support the American Red Cross of Northern New Jersey! Every day your local American Red Cross assists your neighbors in need.

Auction items range from exotic vacation getaways to donated items guaranteed to delight and surprise. So, tell your friends and can help make a difference in the community. Let the bidding begin and save a life!

Save a life and at the same time bid on that vacation of your dreams!

The American Red Cross of Northern New Jersey assists your neighbors in need. 

Did you know a donation of $500 provides four cribs for infants who are part of a disaster. 

Please make a bid  as you are saving a life!

Get ready to point, click and bid!

Save a Life!

One of the best things about participating is what you get when you give. All you have to do is point, click and bid!

From great electronics gear to once-in-a-lifetime experiences, this is the place to get in on all the online auction action!