Brooklyn Community Services – BID for BCS 150
Auction Ends: Jun 8, 2016 11:59 PM EDT

Live Event

Mon Jun 6, 2016

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  1. lkd6cba04$2,233
  2. mk7167ee1$2,125
  3. pk518f15c$1,800
  4. mjb77bf8b$940
  5. bichonwheels$938
  6. HapaMama$769
  7. jf99132dd$750
  8. mw8546408$750
  9. pe901b63b$636
  10. zr9fa5657$575

Bid Now for BCS 150!

Bid for BCS 150 is an online auction showcasing travel packages, fashion, entertainment experiences and more. All proceeds raised from Bid for BCS 150 will support the important work of Brooklyn Community Services (BCS). Founded 150 years ago, BCS is one of the largest nonprofit organizations serving over 12,000 Brooklynites living in underserved neighborhoods. 

Our deep roots in the Brooklyn community have grown over the past 150 years by an unwavering commitment to service and uplifting the lives of the Brooklynites we serve. Since our founders established BCS in response to the plight of disabled Civil War veterans and homeless children in 1866, BCS has been on the frontline of every major crisis our community has faced. From the influenza epidemic to the Great Depression to the 9/11 tragedy to the devastation of Hurricane Sandy. After 150 years, Our Purpose is Our Community

Through bidding on auction items BCS is asking you to join the ONE Brooklyn Community.  100% Love Brooklyn. 23% Live in Poverty. Let's change the math to make ONE Brooklyn Community.

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