Boston Children's Hospital – Boston Breakers
Auction Ends: Jul 7, 2017 12:00 PM EDT

Auction Stats


Top Bidders

  1. kl3d32b68$700
  2. lh545feaf$180
  3. rb4dc66b0$150

Make Your Bid to Support Boston Children's Hospital!

Bid now to win exclusive items directly from the Boston Breakers players themselves!  The auction closes on Friday, July 7 at noon.  Spread the word to family, friends, and colleagues…and let the bidding begin.


The Boston Breakers women’s professional soccer team has pulled together a special auction of items directly from the players to support Boston Children’s Hospital. Don't miss your chance to win some fantastic items – for a great cause!  And, make sure to buy your tickets to the Boston Breakers special “For Kids” home game benefiting Boston Children’s Hospital on July 1st! Visit and use the promo code 4KIDS.


For tax purposes, the IRS requests we inform you that, over and above the value of the auction item is tax deductible to the extent provided by law.