NACS Foundation – NACS Foundation 2018 Online Auction
Auction Ends: Feb 5, 2018 10:00 PM EST

Auction Stats


Top Referrers

  1. Julie Banks52
  2. Barry Waters20
  3. Lisa Bernfeld16
  4. Thomas Hoffa6
  5. Gavin Jensen1
Refer Your Friends

Top Bidders

  1. lfb95eab2$3,500
  2. BWats$2,705
  3. belmonjm$1,565
  4. mthorp$1,337
  5. GCC_Bookstore$1,239
  6. hod9cd62e$1,064
  7. gs5d4d32c$965
  8. tigerbookshop$820
  9. jc50cae0e$700
  10. rmd2a383a$669

NACS Foundation Online Auction has ended. Thank you for making this year's auction a success!


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Winners will be contacted by the NACS Foundation.

NACS Foundation thanks you for helping us to paint a brighter future for our industry.