Auction Ends: Sep 20, 2018 08:00 PM PDT

Top Bidders

  1. Bebes$676
  2. 5150linda$325
  3. JnBW$290
  4. meetjenwong$225
  5. eocd4ae7a$170
  6. kh184a2db$170
  7. jobruin7$155
  8. soups570$140
  9. marc1$125
  10. chlumecky$100

Just 5 hours to go! Don't miss out!

Go shopping to support Triage Cancer's free educational programs

for individuals diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, and health care professionals!

To celebrate the last month of summer, from August 18th to September 20th, Triage Cancer will be auctioning off fun and unique items to raise money to support our educational programs and services that support the cancer community. 

Triage Cancer is a nonprofit organization that provides education on the practical and legal issues that may impact individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers, through free events, materials, and resources. Triage Cancer also offers an educational blog and, which helps people navigate finances after a cancer diagnosis.