MPI WestField Chapter – MPIWC 2019 HOLIDAY GALA
Auction Ends: Dec 5, 2019 08:00 PM EST

Auction Stats


Top Referrers

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Top Bidders

  1. brsko$900
  2. BFW7$800
  3. BiddingForMyCharity$600
  4. ds18d7a29$415
  5. eocd4ae7a$350
  6. sw75$245
  7. pgibbons$135
  8. cw79a17c8$135

Our Online Auction is Open!

Our online auction is now open! Auction items range from date nights and kids entertainment, to overnight getaways and vacations! Thank you to all who donated items. Now tell your friends, family, community - share on your social media pages! (you can refer friends and share from here - see right side of page) And let the bidding begin!

How to Register for our Online Auction:

  1.  At top of page, see "Register to Bid"
  2. Or, if you have an account already, sign in with your email and password
  3. Start bidding!

How to Bid in our Online Auction:

  1. Make sure you have registered and are logged in.  You also must have a credit card on file to bid.
    2. To place a bid, simply type in the amount in the bid box. Select the Type of Bidding you would like to use.  See Types of Bidding for more information on Straight (Exactly this amount) and Proxy (Up to this amount) bids.
    3. Click Place Bid.
    4. Click Confirm Bid.  Done!

You will know right away if you are in the lead, or if another bidder's maximum (proxy) bid was still higher than yours. If you are in the lead, you will receive an email letting you know if you've been out bid so you can bid again!

Make Your Bid to Support MPI WestField!

Now is your chance to not only get all the great items you want, but to do it knowing you are helping support our organization and mission.

The vision of Meeting Professionals International is to build a rich global meeting industry community, enabling its members to become successful in building human connections to: Knowledge & Ideas, Relationships and Marketplaces, for meeting professionals located in Westchester County, New York and Fairfield County, Connecticut.