Auction Ends: Mar 31, 2021 10:00 PM PDT

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  1. as23a37f3$60
  2. jrdc9c662$50
  3. pd711d15f$40
  4. rgdb3f63d$40
  5. cr2bf7a3f$35
  6. ane829c9b$35
  7. wo096db50$30
  8. mm80f18ee$30
  9. swecd7f74$30
  10. tje96e1a7$25

The Friends of Broadway Party Book is Open!

The Friends of Broadway 2021 Party Book is now open. The party book fundraiser will run through March 31, 2021, with proceeds going to Friends of Broadway in order to support the school's operational budget to bring essential support and enrichments to all of Broadway's students. So, tell your friends, family, and community. 


Party On and Support Broadway Elementary School!

Now is your chance to not only get in on all the great experiences you want, but to do it knowing you are helping support our organization and mission.

What is Party Book?

Party Book is an online catalog of social events hosted by members of the Broadway Elementary Community. Attending these events is a great way for you to have fun, build community and strengthen bonds while supporting Broadway Elementary School! Events include: themed holiday parties, dinner parties, cooking classes, and more! 

Have an party book event idea of your own?

Email the team at and we'll get it rolling!

Thank you for your generosity!

We hope you have fun spending time with old friends and making new ones while supporting Broadway Elementary!