SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST SCHOOL – "Come Celebrate the Arts" - St. John the Baptist School 8th Grade Art Auction
Auction Ends: May 16, 2021 06:00 PM EDT

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  1. pme961a9e$40
  2. mmd4c05f8$30
  3. ad56f0909$26
  4. bb1641227$25
  5. MALGC$25
  6. kb0b336c2$25
  7. ag64a03f7$25
  8. jr7ea980a$20
  9. sl0822880$20
  10. rm2f83c6f$20

Auction Closed! Thank you for taking part!

The "Come Celebrate the Arts" - St. John the Baptist School 8th Grade Art Auction is now closed. Thank you all for taking the time to point, click and bid in order to support SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST SCHOOL and our 8th Grade Scholarship Fund. Congratulations to everyone who:

  • placed a winning bid
  • generously donated a straight cash donation
  • invited family, friends and community to make their bid to support our 8th Grade Scholarship Fund

A Very Special Thank You...

We'd like to thank our very own SJS Art Teacher, Gina Semple, for her tireless committment to exceptional art education for all of our students. 

To all of the 8th Grade Students who created these original pieces with their hands and hearts, we thank you!