Auction Ends: Dec 8, 2022 09:00 PM EST

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Top Bidders

  1. kha88e5bc$495
  2. ecc013978$395
  3. Scooter4$380
  4. jde4c15ba$335
  5. tb0aee459$250
  6. tg85e3dca$220
  7. lh41d23f4$195
  8. hb5f7f397$185
  9. kerrytraverslynch$155
  10. jamieoneal$115

The MHS PTO Holiday Online Auction is Open!

The High School PTO Holiday Auction is now open.

The auction will run from December 4, 2022 to December 8 9pm, 2022, with 100% proceeds going to Medfield High School PTO in order to support scholarships, awards, grants & teacher appreciations. Auction items have all been donated by very generous community and school members, so tell your friends, family, community. Let the bidding begin!


(We have 'borrowed' this on-line Auction software from Medfield K-8 PTO, so you may see them referenced in places. Please be assured that all your donations will go to Medfield High School PTO.)



Make Your Bid to Support MHS PTO

All Auction items have all been donated by very generous community and school members - Thank You ALL!!!