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Our auction will be live Monday March 17th!
Check out the 2025 Benefit & Auction page on the GMWS website for more info.
Green Meadow Waldorf School is auctioning fun, unique and many hand-crafted items to raise money for our school- and the more items we have the more money we can raise, so we're asking for your help!
Please consider sharing your talents and services (e.g. cooking classes, massage and wellness treatments, art, music or dance lessons), vacation homes, tickets to concerts or shows, gift certificates to your favorite restaurants and shops. Please contact Allie Garofalow at with any questions or to donate to the auction.
Net proceeds from the 2025 Benefit & Auction will go towards supporting our Humanities programs across campus. We wish to raise funds to purchase new Chromebooks for every high school student. Additional teacher wish list items include:
Become a Sponsor!
We are grateful for gifts of all sizes, and gifts of $250 and beyond will be listed as sponsors for the event.
As a sponsor, we offer tickets to the event and your name or company logo is displayed here on the auction site, on the Green Meadow website, in all our communications, and on all Benefit signs!
If you're ready to become a sponsor, please do so HERE or click the "DONATE NOW" button on the right side of this page.
Thank you for your support of Green Meadow Waldorf School!