The North American Foundation For The University Of Durham Inc – Dunelm USA Annual Gala Dinner 2019
Auction Ends: Dec 5, 2019 08:00 PM EST

Donate Now

It is our aim to make the Gala a cost-neutral event, so that 100% of the money raised through the event can go to supporting students.

To help us achieve this, please consider becoming a Gala Supporter. Simply select one of the amounts from the drop-down box below to show your support for this event.

We hope to see you at the event to thank you in person but, even if you can't make it, the support you provide will be very gratefully received by everyone at Durham. In addition, all of our Gala Supporters will be named and thanked in the event programme (please let us know if you would prefer not to be mentioned publicly).

We would like to thank our sponsors....

Platinum Sponsor

Table Sponsor