Women Leading Change: Our Voices Matter
Auction Ends: Oct 1, 2020 09:00 PM EDT

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WOMENS FUND OF RHODE ISLAND is getting ready for our biggest fundraiser of the year!

 "If not, now, when?" Now is the when. More than five months into the pandemic, there is no end to the increased need for economic relief for families, essential workers, and our most vulnerable communities. NOW is the time for us to imagine a new, better world where there is a level playing field for women, particularly those of color and low-income families.  

     WFRI is the only organization in Rhode Island whose sole mission is to advance gender equity while working to enforce social justice for all. The programs you support through WFRI help employ and keep women working by creating conditions that help them overcome hidden barriers to success. Your support improves workplaces with training, recommended policies, and tools that enhance the bottom line, like our Gender Equity in the Workplace and Men As Workplace Allies toolkits. And your support helps women amplify their voice and ideas in the workplace through programs like #IamRemarkable.

     Imagine a future time when Women?s Fund of Rhode Island (WFRI) doesn?t exist. There would be a gap in free leadership training for women through our Women?s Policy Institute, particularly for women coming from diverse communities. Wage and wealth gaps would continue for those women who didn?t attend our negotiation workshops or attend our Financial Empowerment for Women workshop series. Nonprofits who formerly received grants from us would cease their gender and racial equity programming.

     We are in danger of cutting programs and staff next year.  It is you, our loyal corporate leaders that are helping to carry us through this crisis. You help us continue to exist.

      Can we ask for your support at Women Leading Change? This ask has never been more critical. As a corporate leadership partner, you have the power to leverage your donation to make statewide impacts and systems change. 


     Our work needs to continue, and we want to do that with you.


Live Event Details

Wed Sep 30, 2020
6PM - 7:30 PM EDT
Virtual Zoom link coming soon! Add to My Calendar
Google Map of Zoom link coming soon!
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This is Women's Fund of Rhode Island's premier fundraiser. Our overarching theme in 2020 is Civic Engagement. This event will highlight the work women have done to get us where we are today and how much more work there is to do. 

Gender Equity Champion: Mary-dith Tuitt; USN Veteran, Commander of Wm Carter American Legion Post 16, former Chief of Staff for Retired State Rep. Gloria Fox (MA), Commissioner Massachusetts Commission on status of women and Executive Committee member of the National Association of Commissions on the Status of Women

WFRI Leadership Award is being presented to Arlene Violet, Former Attorney General, and Activist

Susan Farmer Advocacy Award is being presented to Vanessa Volz, Executive Director Sojourner House










Become a Sponsor

Place your company's logo on our site that links back to your own web page and you could develop new business. We can track how often your logo is viewed and clicked to see just how many people are accessing your site. Email ebrown@wfri.org for information.

We would like to thank our sponsors....

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