THE LITERACY COUNCIL – The Literacy Council
Auction Ends: May 19, 2022 08:45 PM CDT

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The Literacy Council is running an online fundraiser!

Starting on April 4, 2022, The Literacy Council will be auctioning off a number of fun and unique items to bid on to raise money for our mission - and the more items we have the more money we can raise, so we're asking for your help.

Show your support by clicking on the "Donate Items" button to contribute to our catalog.

Give a little and get a lot in return.
Whether you have 1 item or 100 to contribute, your participation is an invaluable part of our fundraising efforts. By donating an item or service directly online, you'll be helping to raise money for our organization, and you'll receive a mention on our site that can link back to your own web page.

Live Event Details

Thu May 19, 2022
6PM - 8:45 PM CDT
Tebala Events Center 7910 Newburg Rd, Rockford, IL Add to My Calendar
Google Map of 7910 Newburg Rd, Rockford, IL
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The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, but the wedding bells are not ringing for this not-so-happy couple when a member of the wedding party is murdered! With a raging bridezilla and an unenthused groom on the scene, it may be happily never after in this nuptial nightmare. Trade clues with your guests and help the hapless couple figure out whodunnit so they can say I do before the wedding hour passes them by!

The bride and groom are not picky, so you can wear just about whatever you would like. In fact, we encourage you to wear your own wedding dress or the most ridiculous wedding attire you can come up with. It will make their special day that much more special, so long as they actually get the chance to walk down the aisle!

Become a Sponsor

Place your company's logo on our site that links back to your own web page and you could develop new business. We can track how often your logo is viewed and clicked to see just how many people are accessing your site.

We would like to thank our sponsors....

Wedding Party Sponsors

Bridesmaids & Groomsmen

Bride & Groom Attendants, Ring Bearer, Flower Girl

The In-Laws