4 Tickets to one of Stages Theatre Company Maintstage Production listed below:
Option 1: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! The Musical!
(January24-February 23,2025)
Option 2: The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical TYA Edition
(April 11-May 11, 2025)
Option 3: Madagascar--A Musical Adventure TYA Edition
(June 20- August 3, 2025)
This DOES NOT include holiday shows or shows in our JC Studio Space.
Expiration: 8/03/2025
This voucher was provided by Stages Theatre Company to the organization you have chosen to support at NO COST. It is valid ONLY for the performances listed. Replacements, Transfers, and Extensions are NOT available. This voucher has NO cash value.
Item Special Note
Winning bidder is responsible for pickup from South Central College North Mankato OR Faribault Campus by Friday, February 21, 2025.