Accessible and Transformative. Yoga Experience for Busy Bodies

Bikram Yoga Mile High can teach you skills and give you opportunity, but it can’t teach you sense, nor give you understanding. Sense and understanding are produced within one’s soul.

Quality Packages

Enjoy the transformative benefits of Bikram Yoga and join us on the mat for a journey of wellness and balance

Flexible Time

We offer flexible class times with Bikram Yoga! Our varied schedule lets you fit your practice into your busy day.

Expert Instructors

Experience yoga with our expert and friendly teachers! They bring years of knowledge and passion to every class.

Experience the best of both worlds at Bikram Yoga!

Our studio offers expert-led classes in the heart of Colorado’s stunning natural beauty. Join us and find your inner peace amidst breathtaking surroundings.

Discover tranquility at Bikram Yoga, where expert instruction meets Colorado's beautiful landscapes.

Enhance your practice with the serene backdrop of nature, creating a perfect balance of body and mind.

Elevate your yoga journey at Bikram Yoga, nestled in Colorado's picturesque environment

Our top-notch studio and the state’s natural beauty combine to provide a unique and refreshing yoga experience.

Our Class

Bikram Yoga

What is Bikram Yoga?

Bikram Yoga is a form of hot yoga that consists of a standardized sequence of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises performed in a room heated to 105°F (40.6°C) with 40% humidity. The class lasts 90 minutes.

What should I bring to a Bikram Yoga class?
  • Yoga Mat: A non-slip mat is essential due to the high humidity and sweat.
  • Towels: One large towel to cover your mat and another small towel to wipe off sweat.
  • Water Bottle: Hydration is crucial, so bring plenty of water.
  • Lightweight Clothing: Wear moisture-wicking, comfortable clothing suitable for a hot environment.
How should I prepare for Bikram Yoga class?
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water throughout the day before your class.
  • Avoid Heavy Meals: Eat light 1-2 hours before the class.
  • Arrive Early: Arrive 15-20 minutes early to acclimate to the heated room and set up your space.
What can I expect during the class?
  • Heat and Humidity: The room will be hot and humid to help warm up your muscles and promote sweating.
  • Structured Sequence: The same 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises will be performed in each class.
  • Instructor Cues: Instructors provide verbal guidance and cues throughout the session.
  • Duration: Each class lasts 90 minutes.
Is Bikram Yoga suitable for beginners?

Yes, Bikram Yoga is designed to be accessible to beginners, but it can be challenging due to the heat and intensity. It’s important to listen to your body and take breaks if needed.


Meet Our Best Instructors



Yoga Instructor

Yoga, integral since childhood, is my path to self-awareness and connection. Let’s lay our mats side by side, forging bonds through sweat and smiles—a yogi forever.



Yoga Instructor

I started teaching in 2010. I also enjoy pole fitness, hiking, traveling, live music, and spending time with my partner and our cats. See you in the hot room!

Ann Marie

Ann Marie

Yoga Instructor

Has been teaching since 2009. Her journey started in Colorado and has taken her worldwide. Bikram Yoga remains her foundation, inspiring her to share its benefits.


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