Dedicated to the Art and Science of Bodywork in Park Slope, Brooklyn since 2000

Owned and operated by
Licensed massage therapists on staff


Through a rigorous selection process, we have assembled a uniquely qualified team of professionals, all dedicated to exploring the healing potential of bodywork. We don’t believe in standardized menus. Instead, we are committed to tailoring each session individually, using certain tools and modalities that so greatly enhance therapeutic massage that they are indispensable to transformative bodywork. We call these tools “allied therapies,” and because they are integral to Opal’s treatment strategy, we do not charge extra for any of them.

A brief consultation before treatment gives you time to discuss your preferences and concerns, which will allow your therapist to design a session tailored to you.

Therapeutic Massage Includes The Following Approaches

General Relaxation

Also known as Swedish massage, a gentle full-body massage that uses long, flowing strokes, kneading, and circular movements on superficial layers of your muscle using massage lotion or oil.


A more intense full-body massage technique that uses slower strokes, direct deep pressure, and friction applied across the grain of your muscles, tendons, and fascia to target deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue.

Medical & Pain Management

Techniques are customized to address specific musculoskeletal issues, aid healing, improve mobility, reduce swelling and spasms, and provide targeted relief from medical conditions and pain syndromes.


Enhances athletic performance and recovery by stretching tight muscles, stimulating inactive ones, improving flexibility, preventing injury, and promoting better endurance.

Prenatal & Postnatal

Provides tension relief and nurturing touch for the expectant mother's changing body with adjustable cushioning for side-lying or prone positioning, while postnatal massage helps new mothers regain muscle tone and heal after pregnancy.


Table Thai Massage

Thai practitioners at Opal have joined their knowledge and talents together to create a Thai massage protocol uniquely adapted to the massage table.

This treatment is received with the client fully clothed (wearing the same type of garment that would be worn in a yoga class) and is performed without oil.

Using hands, arms, knees, elbows and feet practitioners perform rhythmic pulsing compressions, range of motion exercises and stretching in varying levels of intensity. There is no standing or walking on the table, and the compressions and stretching replace traditional gliding and stroking movements associated with our standard sessions. A strong facilitator of energetic movement Thai massage creates a feeling of both rejuvenation and balance, and is uniquely able to address stiffness and blockages in the hips and shoulders. The energizing nature of this treatment might make it a more desirable option for people returning directly from massage to an active work/life schedule.

Book with Quinn here or here.


Energy Work at Opal

(included in cost; requires special booking)

We have found over the years that some people and conditions respond better to a less physical, more energetic approach and now offer several treatment options available for those interested.

Energy work at Opal is more subtle in nature. Gentle touch, quiet holding and deeply attuned connection is the norm. We find these modalities to be especially effective for easing anxiety, balancing a system that seems “off” and treating physical conditions that have trauma, stress and overwhelm at their root.

Craniosacral Therapy

CST uses gentle touch to release tension in the central nervous system by restoring the uninhibited flow and movement of the cerebral spinal fluid, which enhances the body’s natural healing abilities. The practitioner tunes into the rhythmic system at the core of our physiology—the pulse of energy that flows between our head and pelvic area. It is a quiet, deeply relaxing treatment and allows the receiver to experience “still points,” which are the pauses between an optimally flowing pulse and contribute to a profound sense of calm. It is in this place where the “inner physician” takes over and reorganization occurs.

Craniosacral Therapy can be received on its own, or in combination with a therapeutic massage.

Book with Christine

Polarity Therapy

Polarity practitioners assert that there is a subtle energy system underlying all the dynamics of life. This “life energy” expresses itself not only through our physical bodies but also through our thoughts, feelings, personal relationships, and everyday experiences. They work with life energy in all of its forms, using a comprehensive system of bodywork, exercise, energetic nutrition and verbal suggestion to bring body, mind, emotions, and spirit into a state of balance, harmony and vibrant health.

Book with Christine

Want to experience energy work but unsure of the best option for you? Christine’s specialty is blending modalities to create an individualized, entirely unique treatment protocol.

Book with Christine


Allied Therapies

Allied therapies are an integral component to bodywork at Opal.  Each of these therapies alone has healing potential.  When added to massage, they help facilitate a deeply therapeutic, effective massage session.  We combine the following therapies according to your needs and preferences.  Please feel free to let us know before your session if you want one to be specifically highlighted.

Heat Therapy

Uses direct application of heat to increase circulation, soften tissues, and provide an additional aid to coaxing the release of especially contracted areas.

At Opal, we use heat in the form of clay packs, our signature grain pillows, compresses, and the liberal use of smooth, heated basalt stones.


Topically applies essential oils from plants and flowers for various therapeutic benefits.

At Opal, we incorporate aromatherapy through our specially blended oils, compresses, and floral waters.

cold Therapy

Uses direct application of cold to decrease inflammation, force the flow of blood out of an area, and provide relief from systemic overheating. 

At Opal, we use cold in the form of gel packs, compresses, ice massage, and smooth, cooled basalt stones.