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When and How to Seek Out a Child Clinical Assessment
Join NPN and Dr. Shelley Upton with Chicago Psychotherapy PLLC as we talk through how and when to ge...
Preschool: What Does a Socially Conscious Curriculum look like in Early Childhood?
According to NAYEC (National Association for the Education of Young Children),  Early childhood educ...
How do Middle Schools Support the Development of Executive Function Skills in Students?
How do Middle Schools Support the Development of Executive Function Skills in Students? Parents will...


  • From https://www.cps.edu/gocps/Mark your calendars for the dates that rising 8th graders can take the CPS High School Admissions Test (HSAT) for Fall 2025 entry to 9th grade. Most CPS high school programs, including selective enrollment, International Baccalaureate, CTE, service academies, some magnets, etc require an HSAT score for the admissions rubric. Sign-ups for non-CPS students will probably be late summer or early September, while CPS students will automatically be given the test during
  • Putting on our College Search Guidance lens to answer the other questions about college admissions: This year's college admission cycle was indeed a very unusual year in that the FAFSA (free application for federal student aid) revamp and rollout was a major debacle that is still not resolved. It is also the tail end of the test optional wave so colleges were still being inundated with large numbers of applicants. Needless to say, there were a lot of rejections and waitlists but the unusual
  • Looking for ideas of places that will accept a 13 year old volunteer that needs to complete service hours.   We’ve done the Greater Chicago Food Depository and Beach clean ups in the past.   Any other options that were valuable experiences for your 13 year old?

Neighborhood Parents Network connects a diverse community of families by providing support and resources designed to solve the challenges of parenting in Chicago.

Parenting in Chicago

Happy Campers: Finding (Screen-free) Fun at Family Camp
How relatively easy it was for all of us to disconnect from our devices was one of the happy surprises from camp. At home, my boys typically default to watching screens or playing video games during down time. We set screen time limits but then find ourselves having to play screen time police, a role we do not relish. ...
Chicago Tribune NPN Feature: Kids like to swear. Do I blame Olivia Rodrigo? Or do I blame myself?
Is the new rule: Sing the swear words, but only while we're at concerts? Are celebrities making it more permissible for my tween to swear?...
Returning Home from Vacation: Five tips to ease the transition.
Vacations are awesome. But what’s more awesome are the everyday moments that create your life with your children. ...

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