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When and How to Seek Out a Child Clinical Assessment
Join NPN and Dr. Shelley Upton with Chicago Psychotherapy PLLC as we talk through how and when to ge...
Preschool: What Does a Socially Conscious Curriculum look like in Early Childhood?
According to NAYEC (National Association for the Education of Young Children),  Early childhood educ...
How do Middle Schools Support the Development of Executive Function Skills in Students?
How do Middle Schools Support the Development of Executive Function Skills in Students? Parents will...


  • The cutoffs depend upon the school. How "difficult" it is to get an A depends upon the teacher. Also, from experience, I highly suspect that certain schools in particular pressure teachers to give higher grades to students than the students may actually deserve (not at all suggesting this is your daughter's case) in order to hold up a reputation. And also keep in mind, so much of grading in the American school system is subjective. Whether or not a teacher "likes" a student can play a HUGE, HUGE
  • https://www.ucls.uchicago.edu/program/high-school/where-u-high-graduates-go   cumulative for 2020-2023. Haven't seen anything for this year yet -- aside from the instagram page, which is just whomever opted in - but I know something was sent around to teachers and admin, so presumably this page will be updated soon. 
  • 100% agree with this. I love city living and shorter commutes, and I don't care about things like having a yard or basement. There are a ton of good school options in those areas too. Even with the drama, we have had a wonderful experience in CPS. 

Neighborhood Parents Network connects a diverse community of families by providing support and resources designed to solve the challenges of parenting in Chicago.

Parenting in Chicago

Happy Campers: Finding (Screen-free) Fun at Family Camp
How relatively easy it was for all of us to disconnect from our devices was one of the happy surprises from camp. At home, my boys typically default to watching screens or playing video games during down time. We set screen time limits but then find ourselves having to play screen time police, a role we do not relish. ...
Chicago Tribune NPN Feature: Kids like to swear. Do I blame Olivia Rodrigo? Or do I blame myself?
Is the new rule: Sing the swear words, but only while we're at concerts? Are celebrities making it more permissible for my tween to swear?...
Returning Home from Vacation: Five tips to ease the transition.
Vacations are awesome. But what’s more awesome are the everyday moments that create your life with your children. ...

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