Kill Your Darlings


Have you ever poured blood, sweat, and tears into a creation?  You’ve worked on it for so hard and so long that it becomes a part of you.  It could be a piece of writing, a song, a house, a business, a passion, a relationship, a project or any number of things.

Today in our culture it seems that grit, work ethic, and sustained passion are in short supply.  So why is it so important to know when to “kill your darlings”?  Continue reading

You Are The President

In an effort to not have a knee jerk reaction to the historic 2016 election results, I spent the past few evenings reading, talking, and listening quite a bit. Hopefully this contributes to your perspective in some small way.

To my friends and those who were shocked and/or caught off guard with the 2016 Presidental election results, hopefully these few articles may help shed some light. Continue reading

7 Things I’ve Learned as a New Father

We gratefully received a lot of good advice prior to our daughter being born.  We never received any bad advice per se as we believe that all advice is good depending on the context.  We did, however, receive some not very “practical” advice.  For example, “Boy you better sleep more now hahaha!”

Yeah, not useful whatsoever.  One cannot save sleep like money. My wife and I do not look at each other and say, “We’re sure glad we saved up all that sleep 3 months ago, otherwise we’d be exhausted now!”

As with anything else, setting the proper expectations can help you physically, mentally, and emotionally prepare for a big shift in your life.  So on the eve of our beautiful little girl’s 6 month milestone, here are the top 7 things I’ve gleaned from my very, very limited experience of being a proud new Daddy. Continue reading

A Street Magician Beheaded: Courage of the “Sorcerer”

What is true “Courage”?  Most of us are fortunate enough to live in a place and time where we won’t really have to answer that question during our lifetime.  Yesterday, a magician in Syria, who performed small tricks for people in town, was arrested and beheaded by the terrorist group ISIS.  Why was he executed?  Because ISIS claimed his tricks were “anti-Islamic” and that he was taking up people’s time with entertainment, time which could be spent worshipping at a mosque.   Yes…that is why he lost his life through having his head chopped off. Continue reading

Advice For Young Magicians

We all get into magic for different reasons.  Magic doesn’t have to be something you take seriously; it could be as simple as learning a trick or two to show friends and family, an interesting hobby, or it could be a lifelong passion-filled career.

For the purpose of this entry, this advice is geared towards young magicians who want to take their magic to the next level beyond just a casual hobby.  If you want to be eventually taken seriously for your craft by spectators and customers, these are the principles you’ll have to take into consideration. Continue reading