Maximizing Insurance through

Technology   Risk Management

Maximizing Insurance through

Technology Risk Management

eMaxx provides alternative risk captive insurance solutions – Members take control of their own destiny with coverages and achieve lower costs through risk management technology platforms, proactive loss prevention and safety programs, claims oversight and litigation management.

What we do.

Captive Insurance Solutions +

Innovative Collateral Programs +

Risk Management Technology +

Proactive Loss Prevention & Safety Programs +

Advanced Chess Claims Management =

Reduced Frequency and Severity of Claims + Lower Insurance Costs

Lets Get Started.

Contact us directly or through affiliated independent agents and brokers. 


The best way to predict your future
is to create it.

– Abraham Lincoln


The Importance of Safety Roles in the Workplace

Workplace safety is a shared responsibility that requires commitment from all organizational levels. Top management sets the tone by integrating safety into the company culture, developing policies, and ensuring compliance. Safety officers implement and monitor these...

Memorial Day 2024

Remember and honor all who served our country on Memorial Day! Honoring those who sacrificed all, Memorial Day is a solemn reminder of the price of freedom. As we gather with loved ones, let's pause to remember the brave men and women who gave their lives in service...

Captive Self-Insurance: Weighing the Pros and Cons

In the realm of risk management, businesses often explore alternative strategies to traditional insurance coverage, seeking greater control over their financial liabilities and potential cost savings. One such approach gaining traction is captive self-insurance, a...

Let's Get Started. 

+1 (978) 531-1822