Leadership solutions that drive you to your highest potential...

We partner with leaders to enhance performance, while addressing their pain points. Our solutions are tailored to your needs.

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Leaders emerge at any level. Our solutions help you reach your highest potential.

Measuring our impact

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Reach Your

Highest Potential!

We're here to empower you for excellence across every facet of your life, tailoring our support to address your unique pain points and challenges in various key areas.

Areas of Expertise

Leadership Training
Culture Building
Work Life Balance
Accelerate Growth
Emotional Intelligence

We meet you where you are

We have three tiers of training programs based on where you stand in your leadership journey.

An invite-only group of Master Graduates poised for their next journey, be it in their career, personal life, or mindset. Here, members find a collective of like-minded individuals, all on the quest for peak performance and unwavering support along their path.

Statistically, 48% of leaders want to be educated through developmental tasks. Our 2.5 day intensive programs empower leaders to overcome barriers & elevate their leadership to new heights.

Statistically, 40% of first-time leaders fail within their first year. Rapport U presents a collection of 21 vital leadership courses, meticulously crafted to foster a robust skill set for emerging and developing leaders.

Our solutions are designed to help you succeed

With our immersive solutions, you'll embark on a transformative journey, arming yourself with the tools and knowledge needed to excel not only in your professional endeavors but also in your personal growth and development

Interactive and Immersive
Gamified Learning
Experience Driven

What our participants leaders are saying

Testimonials from our satisfied clients who have harnessed the power of our solutions to elevate their lives, both personally and professionally.

“I’m able to step into the visionary role”

Rapport has helped me realise that what I believe and what I create is what happens. That has pushed me forward to increase our company revenue by 416%.

Alexia Cooper

Sr. VP of Operations Nevada
Forbes 30 under 30 - Energy 2021 Winner

Alexia Cooper

Sr. VP of Operations Nevada
Forbes 30 under 30 - Energy 2021 Winner

In classic Rapport fashion, your Emergenetics training brought our team's assessment results to life! It’s a powerful tool, and your interactive and engaging approach to teaching Emergenetics makes it memorable and practical. Thank you, Rapport, for helping our team improve our self-awareness and team member awareness! 

Scott Shelar
President & CEO, CEFGA/Construction Ready

Rapport Training did a very good job with our organization's Communications training. It provided communication strategies that can be implemented right away when trying to send and receive effective communication. Our trainer gave very practical suggestions for being a better communicator overall.

Trish Grigg
Former Director of Human Resources, Fenwick High School

Fantastic content and tailored to the specific needs of my leadership team. The custom approach really hit home and the delivery was fresh and entertaining which is critical for a high performing tenured team. I look forward to working Rapport U again

Rick Munneke
Managing Director, Charles Schwab
View success stories

Invest in Yourself.
Step one is done,
Step two is on us

Schedule a complimentary consultation to help us gain deeper insights into your needs, enabling us to tailor a solution that perfectly aligns with your requirements.

1. Start your journey by finding solutions.
2. Schedule a free consultation to tailor a solution just for you.

Book Free Consultation