Main Page

HOURS: Tuesday – Saturday 12 – 5 PM

Current Exhibits & Events

image of a wall of artwork of assorted sized, including one large painting and a skateboard deck

Upcoming Exhibits & Events

image of Asian woman, short hair and glasses.

Ongoing Exhibits

Colorful sign sharing information about flora and pollinators of the surrounding garden
multicolored image of the gallery superimposed with white text, Yoga in the Gallery, The Arts Center
greenish circle with text Second Saturday in the middle at an angle
Corvallis Arts Walk logo with large letters CAW and black crow in bottom of the image
three young smiling women sit around a table folding origami artworks together
Artist meetup at the arts center: Discussions and Critiques for ever creative
White opaque glass and steel wall sculpture
poetry marquee
screen printed larkspur by Bonnie Hull
Interested in sponsoring any of our upcoming exhibits? Contact Us

A Big Thank You to Our Supporters! We cannot do this without you!