Healing the whole body from the inside out.

Alchemy Physical Therapy Open Now!

Start living a life free from pain, stress and anxiety today.

To schedule an appointment contact Lisa at 203-464-0819.

Panel 1



I believe that you can have a pain free body and reach for your highest potential. 

Yes…pain happens for various reasons but it’s not meant to become chronic.  Pain is a wise messenger.   We are meant to feel it, process and move through it, and heal. 

Our mind/body and emotional/physical states are intimately connected.  Medical science has only touched the surface but hands on bodywork has been connecting the two for decades and providing healing and hope to many. 

If you’ve tried many different traditional health care options without success, the combination of techniques used at Alchemy Physical Therapy can be the answer you’re looking for!

So if you’ve been struggling with pain, decreased energy, and the inability to do all the things that make life fulfilling for you, a new way is here.

Here at Alchemy Physical Therapy a combination of Integrative Manual Therapy, acupressure, EFT/tapping, and gentle exercises are used to find and treat the source of the pain you’re experiencing. 

Each session is 1 hour where you will receive expert 1:1 care and experience a greater sense of ease, calm and wellbeing.

My goal is to help you live a pain free, active, and healthy life.

Contact Lisa: Phone (203) 464-0819
Email: lisa@alchemyphysicaltherapy.com

I look forward to learning more about YOU and assisting you on your journey.

Panel 3

About Lisa-panel





Ever since I was a young child I loved to move, run, play, and dance!  

The Journey…

Focusing on PT school, in my college years at Boston University, dancing took a back seat but I started jogging as a form of exercise and entered into some road races with friends.  After graduation, I was wide-eyed and excited to get out there and help people heal and live their best pain free lives.  But that excitement quickly faded in the traditional PT environments I worked where time with patients was severely restricted and in some instances more than one patient was treated at the same time.  To top it off, traditional techniques just weren’t freeing people of their pain.  At best, they were maintaining.  

About a year into working, I found Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT).  IMT provided answers and tools to help people in ways above and beyond traditional PT methods.  With IMT, the source of an issue is found, worked with and eliminated.  I was also introduced to acupressure and saw how it created flow and relaxation in the body.  It was during this time, I learned how to take care of myself, eat healthy, and reduce my stress level.  Not only did I learn all these wonderful techniques, I started receiving sessions for myself.  I directly saw that all these components, when used together, accelerated the healing and recovery process in myself and others.  IMT and acupressure powerfully impact not only present injuries but more importantly prevent reoccurrence.


I started dancing again 12 years after starting PT school.  It was then I realized how much I missed the very movement of dance and the way it made me feel inside and out.   I have experience in jazz, tap, ballet, and acrobatics from childhood.  As an adult, I dance many forms including: belly dance, modern, ballet, Ballroom, Salsa, West Coast Swing and Hustle.  I am also an experienced competitor in Hustle and West Coast Swing.  Dancing is a weekly activity for me.  It challenges my body, mind and soul.


One item on my bucket list since college was to run a marathon.  Maybe it was because of going to school in Boston and the palpable vibe and excitement in the city on marathon day.  So in 2011, I applied for the NYC Marathon and was ecstatic to get in on my first try.  I trained and completed my first NYC Marathon that year.  The excitement of that day was so addictive I’ve run the NYC Marathon every year since.  My 2014 NYC Marathon qualified me for Boston in 2016 which I also completed.  And my time from the 2019 NYC Marathon qualified me for Chicago 2020 and Boston 2021.

Hello…My name is Lisa Mammano and I am the founder of Alchemy Physical Therapy.

I feel privileged that I can give each client uninterrupted 1:1 care during every session.  This allows for a full detailed evaluation of the body and the creation of a unique treatment plan just for you.  Combining the profound techniques of IMT and acupressure with the development of a home program, including neurofascial process, tapping, gentle yoga/stretching, and focused breathing, will accelerate the natural healing processes of your body.

It was with marathon training that I took my body to the next level and where I discovered the limitless potential of the human body.  No matter who you are or what your situation is, everyone has a next level!  I feel unstoppable.  I’ve been able to optimize my health and my performance in all I do and I’m passionate about helping you do the same.

Panel 4




Phone: 203-464-0819
Email: lisa@alchemyphysicaltherapy.com

39 West 14th Street
Suite 408
New York, NY 10011