Since 1936

Ioka Valley Farm

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Home to natural, hormone free beef, perfect pumpkins & squash, fragrant, real Christmas trees, contented farm animals, pure maple syrup, and specialty maple products. Ioka Valley Farm is a diversified, family owned and operated working farm dedicated to providing high quality locally grown products as well as enjoyment for all ages.  Since we are open seasonally, please call ahead for hours & activities (413-441-5147). Our maple products and natural beef are available year round in our seasonal gift shop, by appointment or by chance. You may pre-order and schedule farm pickup on our website store. We accept business and bulk maple syrup accounts and now carry maple equipment in our sugarhouse store.

Reminder Ioka has a NO Pet policy, thank you!

2024 Summer Season - Uncle Don’s Barnyard
Open June 25th - August 31st, Tuesday - Saturday, 10 -5
Rain or Shine

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