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Tune in to the Children's Book Podcast by Matthew Winner for a fantastic interview with the co-editors of No World Too Big! Keila V. Dawson, Lindsay H. Metcalf, and Jeanette Bradley discuss climate change and the young activists who inspired this anthology of poems.

Listen here.

Kick off your summer with the Horn Book Summer Reading List!

The 2024 list for beginning readers and primary grades includes Bábo: A Tale of Armenian Rug-Washing Day, by Astrid Kamalyan with illustrations by Anait Semirdzhyan. 
Come splash in the suds with Tato and her family as they wash their treasured rugs on a beautiful summer day!

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Glowing Reviews for New Books...

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Sami's Special Day

Eid al-Adha won't be the same without Sami's Dede, but a surprise encounter reminds this boy of his grandfather's generous spirit and fills Dede's last gift with more meaning than he could have possibly imagined.

★ "A gift to all readers!"

—School Library Journal, starred review

The Remarkable Rescue at Milkweed Meadow

★ "Use your milkweed: Read this!"

—Kirkus Reviews, starred review

★ "[An] intimately voiced, community-centered novel . . ."

—Publishers Weekly, starred review

★ "A marvelous reminder of the power in stories and the thrill in determining one’s own destiny."

—Booklist, starred review


An eighth-grade class project spirals into a town-wide debate in this gripping novel in verse by award-winning authors Charles Waters and Traci Sorell.

★ "A brilliant story not to be missed; deeply engaging from the first page."

—Kirkus Reviews, starred review

★ ". . . a well-rounded discussion about classism and racism, as well as effective allyship, with compassion and understanding."

—Publishers Weekly, starred review

Charlesbridge Classroom

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Take a peek between the pages!

Between The Pages is a podcast that gets you deeper into what authors do behind the scenes! Learn more about the process of making a book, the craft of writing, and the fun that happens along the way.