
541 US Route 1
Freeport, Maine 04032

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Mo, Tu, Th, Fr, Sa - 10am to 5pm
Wed - 10am to 6pm
Closed Sunday

You also may order online, by phone, or email.

Tuesday: 10am - 12pm
Wednesday: 5pm – 7pm
Free and open to all!

Teach. Listen. Inspire

Teach. Listen. Inspire

Teach. Listen. Inspire

Teach. Listen. Inspire

Teach. Listen. Inspire

Stop by and get inspired with so many new yarns and samples!

Tilly Tee
Braided River Blanket
Kirby Child's Cardigan
Glide Top
Iras Top
Yume Top

Warmer weather is coming, we hope!

Spring is here and it's time to start thinking about lighter weight projects and travel projects. Let's not forget about baby gifts and wedding gifts. Below are a few projects we're featuring, but you can always visit our Project Pages for inspiration. Try one of these: Floodlight Tee, a sophisticated summer top; Pumarada Shawl, a perfect wedding shawl; and Sunset Primrose Cardigan, a lovely lightweight, three-season project.

Floodlight Tee
Pumarada Shawl
Sunset Primrose Cardigan

Need a new project? Check out our Project Pages!

Bounce Baby Blanket

If you're looking for new ideas, take a look at our Project Pages to get some inspiration. We choose patterns from Ravelry and give you a little bite-sized taste of what the project is all about. At left is the Bounce Baby Blanket, a colorful, machine-washble blanket that makes a wonderful gift. For each project we recommend yarns and give you an idea of the skills you'll need. Click the type of project you're interested in: Pullovers, Blankets and Afghans, Baby and Children, Cardigans, Vests, Men's Sweaters and Accessories and so much more!

Need Knitting or Crochet Help?

We all run into glitches when knitting or crocheting, so to help guide you along, we've put together a collection of videos from some of the best knitters and crocheters out there. You'll find them categorized under our Tips and Tutorials section. Click here to check it out. We hope you find it useful. Feel free to make suggestions of things to add to this section if you don't find what you need. Just click here to get to our contact page.

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