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Farm to Fork partner Hunter Cattle Company is a multi-generation family-run farm, that was started “by accident” but has since flourished into a thriving and beloved producer in the region. Del Ferguson first ventured into raising cattle for his family. At the time, he had no idea that grass-fed beef would be desired by the community, much less marketable.  

Tofu is an ingredient worth celebrating. It is endlessly versatile, rich in history and tradition, and is an important ingredient across many Asian cuisines. This Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, Bon Appétit Management Company is excited to shine a light on the ancient origins of tofu and its modern evolution as a […]

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Seeking relief from South Florida’s soaring heat, outdoor workers in South Florida appealed to politicians in Miami-Dade and Tallahassee for help. They got none. Now, a coalition of farmworkers from South-Dade and Immokalee intend to take their campaign directly to the powerful fast food and grocery industries that buy the produce they harvest.