History in a New Light

Plimoth Patuxet Museums brings to life the history of Plymouth Colony and the Indigenous homeland. Major exhibits include the Historic Patuxet Homesite, 17th-Century English Village, Mayflower II and Plimoth Grist Mill.

Planning your first visit? Here's what to expect!

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A Lifetime of Learning for All People

Community. Conflict. Collaboration. Leadership. Faith. Self-government. Gratitude. Ideas as relevant today as they were 400 years ago!

In Person
A Pilgrim woman in a straw hat and purple jacket picks purple sage in Plymouth Colony.

Spring Heirloom Plant Sale

Join us this year at Plimoth Patuxet Museums' Annual Spring Heirloom Plant Sale -- offering a bountiful selection of more than 100 types of heirloom species!

Lunch and learn

Lunch & Learn: Alden Archaeology

Join Stephen O'Neill, Executive Director of the Hanover Historical Society, as he explores the challenges and opportunities he faced as the 2019 Guest Curator for the archaeology exhibit Small Things Remembered at the Alden House Historic Site in Duxbury.

In Person
Museum Educator stands in center of wetu and talks to seated guests.

Homeschool Adventure: Welcome to Historic Patuxet

Explore, create, and learn about Wampanoag culture with an Indigenous Museum Educator.