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Thank you to all who joined us for BAPF46 in person and online!

The 2024 Bay Area Playwrights Festival has ended. 

Our deepest thanks to the remarkable artistic teams whose talent breathed life into these works. Thank you to Noa Gardner, Alicia Kester, Aidaa Peerzada, Nia Akilah Robinson, and Jason Tseng for sharing these incredible pieces with us– all of which explore what we find when we have the courage to unearth what’s below the surface– from our shared history and familial bonds to individual truths, purpose, and emotional freedom. The experience of coming together and connecting with our community through these narratives has been a source of immense joy. Thank you to all who joined us.

Writers Workshop with Octavio Solis

Writers Workshop with Playwright Octavio Solis
Sunday | June 9, 2024 | 1–4PM 
1616 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94103, Ste. 350

In Person Price: Sliding Scale $50–$100
Live Virtual Price: Sliding Scale $20-40

Space is limited to 15 in-person participants, unlimited virtual participants

Note that attending virtually will not guarantee sharing of your work and live participation in conversation will be limited.
If you would like to participate in the workshop but are unable to meet the cost, please contact 

We’ve reimagined our core programs to provide deeper support for playwrights. Our new purpose to support and empower playwrights artistic growth and careers shifts organizational focus from new play development to a greater emphasis on playwrights’ overall artistic growth and career advancement. If you want to learn more, San Francisco Chronicle and American Theatre also reported on these changes.

The Bay Area Playwrights Festival will now be held every other year in order to expand the pre-festival program from four to twelve months. So we hope you join us in 2024 for this biennial event!

We believe that playwrights matter.
Please consider making a gift to invest in the future voices of the American Theatre. 

Sam says…

“I had an amazing experience at BAPF and feel like I’m in a different place as a writer.”


-Sam Hamashima (them+), BAPF2021

Noelle says…

“One of the first orgs in San Francisco to invest and believe in me as a writer.


I ask you to support them because they helped me get to where I am today.”


-Noelle Viñas (she/her), RPI 2017-19, BAPF2020

Miyoko says…

“Consider supporting this amazing organization if you can!


Working with Playwrights Foundation was one of the best experiences of my playwriting life.”


– Miyoko Conley (she/her), BAPF2021

What’s new with our Alumni:

Congrats BAPF and RPI alum Jonathan Spector on his upcoming Broadway debut!

The M.T.C. run, which is to begin performances on Nov. 25, will be a new production, directed by Anna D. Shapiro. Congrats, Jon! Info.

Michael Gene Sullivan wins a Guggenheim Fellowship to support his playwrighting!

Congratulations to Michael Gene Sullivan (RPI member 2017-20, Rough Reading 2021) who has said he plans to use his Guggenheim fellowship to write a play about Ida B. Wells and her husband, Ferdinand Lee Barnett, who were both journalists and activists.

Congrats to RPI member Nick Hadikwa Mwaluko, joining the Core Writers at Playwrights’ Center!

The Playwrights’ Center Core Writer program gives a group of the most exciting playwrights from across the country the time and tools to develop new work for the stage. Congrats to Nick Hadikwa Mwaluko (RPI member 2019-22), joining the 2023 cohort!

For more on sharing your script with Playwrights Foundation, visit our application info.

Conversations with Playwrights
Bennett Fisher
Creating Spaces
Star Finch
Writing a New Musical